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Sherri Carden


Born in USA, Hollywood California


Began creating art at the age of five. I was very concerned that the birds were flying in the rain. I drew them flying holding umbrellas. I had crayons, but no paper, so I drew them on the undersides of the drawers on my childhood dresser, (which I still have.) Afterwards, I remember standing on top of the dresser so I could reach the ceiling and high parts of the walls whild demonstrating my technique to my little brother. Mom was not as pleased as I'd hoped when she returned. Then we took a trip to the ocean. After that, I knew what my purpose in life was: to help the environment and it's occupants. Profound planetary purpose.
My entire life revolves around being an artist, and incorporating while sharing it with others. I was told once to tend my garden well, because there wasn't much I could do about the rest of the world except be a good example. I spend alot of time envisioning ways to make the world a better place through my efforts of happiness and creating beauty. I hope to inspire others through my work to tap into their own creative skills to help humanity.

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I was six years old when I decided how I would live as an adult. I imagined having my own treehouse, as many animals as I wished, and a big space where I could paint whatever I wanted. it would be peaceful and beautiful, with graceful trees yielding enormous amounts of delicious fruits and lots of beautiful flowers. There would be year round sunshine, and plenty of strawberries. It would be magical, and people would come from all over the world to see my animals, gardens and galleries. This place is now where I live, and I call it:
The Enchanted Gardens located in Keaau, Hawaii
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