Professional Speaker,
Sherri Carden has been a member of Toastmasters International since 1999. She originally joined Maui Toastmasters and then transferred to the Hilo Toastmasters club 248 in 2001, where she is still a member in good standing. She has been a Hawaii state finalist in speech competitions numerous times. She received the "Competent Communicator Gold" award in 2014, which is one of the highest awards given in Toastmasters.
In 2014 Sherri was accepted into the National Association of Parliamentarians. It is her hope to help communities and groups find effective ways to communicate and work
togeether toward common goals.
You may contact Sherri either by telephone
or e-mail and she will be happy to answer
any questions.
(808) 990-6838 sherricarden@ymail.com

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