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The $100/lot billing that you received in July is the MRMA (Mandatory Road Maintenance Assessment). It is used primarily for the maintenance of the roads (grading, gravel, labor, etc.), and administration of the association.

Payment of road fees is not optional! Collection and mandatory payment was authorized by the State of Hawaii Court Summary Judgment dated April 3, 1992.








November 2013



Orchidland Community Association, Incorporated Post Office Box 280, Kea’au, Hawaii 96749

President’s Report





TREASURER Derek Shimizu

ROAD CHAIR Dennis McCartin


Wayne Carey

Ariel Murphy


Dennis McCartin

Wayne Carey Ralph Boyea


Ralph Boyea

Wayne Carey Ariel Murphy Derek Shimizu Dennis McCartin


Wes Owens


Blane’s Restaurant Orchidland Drive

BOD—3rd TUESDAY @ 5:30PM

Church of the Nazarene,

15-1839 32nd Ave, HPP Between Paradise and Makuu


We are off to a great start on collections, 90 properties who were arrears July 30th, are now 100% caught up, and others have arranged monthly payments. These are funds we can put directly onto our roads. Our collections efforts continue with the first official collections letter having been mailed out October 1st to all remaining owners in arrears, and we will be following that up as our collections policy dictates.

The board has been working on a master mailbox plan for Orchidland. The USPS has a big push currently to move all mail delivery to groups of boxes inside the communities, and we'd like to capitalize on this to get them installed while there is a chance that they would be free to the community. A few years ago, we facilitated the installation of the 20 group boxes at 36th & Orchidland Dr. at no cost to our community. Now, we are probably looking at 10+ locations of similar sets of mailboxes throughout the community. There are other community involvement projects like this that we could use help on, please join us at a board meeting and be involved.

We have a new road contractor with a Class A license (see road report), and are looking forward to utilizing the services that they can provide. We all very much appreciate all the volunteers who requested and spread gravel on their roads, and for the patience of everyone over the past few months while this transition completed.

I'd really like to see us finish the paving plan of the main roads in the next few years. We are so close to having all the “main” uphill roads paved. A few years ago, we asked the membership to vote to delay or skip the paving of Pohaku Dr. & 40th, and so in this newsletter, we are asking for that increment of the paving to be added back into the normal rotation (per General Membership Meeting vote), please use the attached ballot, vote as you wish, and mail it in so your vote can be counted.

At the membership meeting coming up Nov 16th, a topic of discussion will be what the MRMA will be this coming year. I'd like to suggest our current minimum $85, plus continue the $65 chipseal repaving, and also an additional $50 to be dedicated for the paving plan increment, for a total of $200.

I really feel that the diminishing of arrears accounts and modest increase of funds will allow us to really get out there and improve the side roads, and finish the significantly more permanent paving. Of course all members suggestions on MRMA's can be heard & discussed at the membership meeting where those present will vote on what we ask for in the next MRMA ballot.

A few notes on the upcoming Membership Meeting Nov 16th at Ainaloa Longhouse: Our Bylaws (Article III) are clear on the definition of what a member of our association is, a paid in full property owner. As such, the previous mistake of allowing owners who have not paid some assessments to vote at the membership meetings will no longer be allowed. It's simple, those who pay their assessments get to vote on how those monies are spent. As well, if you are new to Orchidland, please, please show up early (8:15am) so we can answer your questions about our community and history before the meeting. We are really trying to keep the meeting time to a minimum, the time at the microphone will be limited, and we will not be explaining our history during the meeting. Our website actually has LOTS of great information, please feel free to dive in there before hand.

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Collections Policy by Ralph Boyea

On June 18, 2013 the Orchidland Board of Directors approved our new Collections Policy. The policy authorizes the Board of Directors to collect “... delinquent or unpaid assessments for road maintenance, including, but not limited to the Mandatory Road Maintenance Assessment and paving assessments.” The policy authorizes the assessment of a ten-dollar [$10] late charge and the assessment of interest on past due amounts. If payments are not made, the Board is authorized to utilize the services of an attorney to place a lien on the delinquent property.

On October 1, 2013, the Board sent out a collection letter to all property owners who are 90 days past due on any amounts due to the Association.

We are hopeful that the implementation of this policy will significantly reduce the fees owed to the Association. Currently around 60% of the lot owners are paid in full. Collection of past due assessment will provide us with more money for road maintenance and improvements. Our collection activities will allow us to enforce the assessments passed by the lot owners and spread the cost of maintaining and improving our roads fairly among all property owners.

A copy of the Collection Policies and Procedures is available on our website:, under Association Business.

Road Easement Maintenance – by Ralph Boyea

The Road Committee and the Board of Directors have received a number of complaints about the sides of our roads being overgrown with vegetation. The extent of the overgrowth has become a vehicular and pedestrian hazard in many locations. Vehicles approaching intersections have dangerously limited visibility. Children walking these roads from the school bus drops to their homes have limited ability to move off of the roads to avoid on-coming traffic. One of our goals for this fiscal year is to start clearing this vegetation within the road easements, starting with our access roads and the corners of our side roads. Most of our roads have an easement of 40' from property pin to property pin. Orchidland Drive and 40th Avenue have a 60' easement.

One of our biggest problems is the unabated growth of “elephant grass.” This grass is tall, dense and very tough; it is very difficult to control. We intend to use every means available to us to remove the elephant grass and other vegetation. One of the “means” we have discussed is the use of herbicides. Some of us prefer not to use herbicides, but we recognize that this may be our most viable option in some areas.

If you do not want herbicides used on the roadway easement fronting your property, please INSURE that the area between your lot and the roadway is cleared.

Please SLOW DOWN !

Paved roads = 25 mph, Side roads = 15 mph.

Be vigilant of pedestrians, especially keiki, who use the roads. Overgrown weeds force people towards the center of the road which puts them directly in the path of vehicles, particularly when there is another vehicle coming in the opposite direction. I have seen kids stand in the bushes while cars go by. Yes, the Board is addressing the weed problem but only YOU can control the speed of your vehicle.

Also, slower speeds help to preserve our side roads. If you drive on a well maintained side road, this is the result of you or your neighbor’s labor and time. Please have some courtesy and contribute towards the preservation of the roads. Thank You - Derek Shimizu, Treasurer

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The Overall Good

By Ariel Murphy - Director

Recently I joined the Board of Directors of the Orchidland Community Association. Although I don’t actually live on the uncultivated parcel I own on 40th, I thought that joining the BOD would give me opportunities to be part of Orchidland’s development.

All of us want a good present (and future) for ourselves and our families. Part of that aspiration is being able to live in a place conducive to having a good quality of life. At the very least a good quality of life equates to being safe and secure.

Right now, road maintenance and improvement are essential to safety and security. Good roads mean less wear-and-tear for vehicles. Fire trucks, police vehicles and ambulances can go through good roads at the shortest time possible when responding to emergencies. School buses would be more inclined to pick up and drop off children to school. Since Orchidland has an agriculture zoning, harvests and other agricultural products can be delivered more conveniently to markets when roads do not have potholes like moon craters. The list of advantages of having good roads is not a short one.

I am aware that there are those who would rather have the roads of Orchidland remain in their current deplorable and decrepit state. I do not exactly understand why. But if the reason is to keep being in isolation, or to discourage others from being neighbors, my answer is maybe those people would be better off living in a place that is not a subdivision where there are no common ownership and accompanying responsibilities towards the overall good. Besides, can growth/progress be prevented? Maybe postponed, yes. But totally avoided or withheld? Probably not. We only have to look at the past to know. We only have to look at how the mainland West Coast came to be what it is now. And we need not even go far. Imagine the Big Island 10 years ago and compare it to how it is today.

But that is another topic for discussion.

All of us property owners, whether or not we live in Hawaii or on the mainland, have a responsibility towards the community where our property is, and especially if our property is in a subdivision like Orchidland where there are areas of common ownership, like roads and sideways.

At the very least, we are responsible for keeping roads passable and with the least adverse effects on property and lives.

We want a good quality of life not just for ourselves but for the whole community -- the overall good!

And that is why I not only strive to pay my road maintenance dues; I also joined the Board of Directors of Orchidland’s Community Association.

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Road Chairman’s Report By Dennis McCartin

After receiving 2 proposals for road maintenance, we have selected Johansen Contracting to do our road maintenance. They possess a Class A license, so they can also do the paving for the chip seal replacement and new paving. We are glad to have them on board and they are eager to begin filling in the lakes, grading, clearing the sides of the main roads, etc.

We do need to look at extending the assessment for chip seal replacement so we can do all of the chip seal segments.

We also need to consider when to re-start the paving assessment so we can do the next section in the rotation.

The Pohaku/40th segment needs to be voted back into the paving rotation. Thanks to all who continue to volunteer to take care of their roads.


Orchidland Estates Newsletter

June 2014

Orchidland Community Association, Incorporated Voice Mail: 808‐934‐7738

Ballot Results

Post Office Box 280, Kea’au, Hawaii 96749


Marti Morishige

Nikhil Inman‐Narahari


TREASURER Sheldon Raiter

Dennis McCartin


Robert Arthurs Wayne Carey Armon Collman Bob Dexter Ariel Murphy Derek Shimizu


Dennis McCartin Robert Arthurs Ralph Boyea Wayne Carey Bob Dexter


Ralph Boyea

Wayne Carey Derek Shimizu Ariel Murphy Dennis McCartin


RMC ‐ 2nd TUESDAY @ 5:30pm Blaines Restaurant Orchidland Drive

BOD ‐ 3rd TUESDAY @ 5:30PM


OLCA Board of Directors
Results for recent road maintenance fee vote are as follows:

  •   356 Ballots with 447 total votes, many multiple lots owners

  •   $300 /yr. for 5 years: (137 “yes”) (225 “no”) (25 blank)

  •   $150/yr. for 5 years: (166 “yes”) (222 “no”) (59 blank)

    Since the number of “no” votes for $150/yr. was greater than “yes” votes, re‐ sults are that neither fee was accepted. Therefore, the basic road mainte‐ nance fee reverts to $85/yr.

    Is $85 Enough?

    Ralph Boyea

    When the membership voted “no” on the requests to increase our mandatory road maintenance fees to either $150 or $300 per year for five years, our road fees reverted to the formerly approved mandatory road maintenance fee of $85 per year. You may recall that we increased that fee to $150 in 2012 by continuing the $85 base fee and adding an additional $65 for chip‐seal repair. That increase was temporary. It was only for two years. FY 2013‐14 was the last of the two years. Note that at $65 per year it took two years to raise enough money to fund the resurfacing of Orchidland Drive.

    What can $85 do? At $85 per year, our projected budget for FY2014‐15 antici‐ pates that we will have a total income of $167,325. $81,215 or 49% of the to‐ tal fees collected will go for Administrative costs. These costs are fixed and are necessary for the operation of OLCA [see budget for details.] Some believe it makes little sense to continue the organization when nearly half of the budget goes to administrative costs.

    After accounting for fixed road expenses [see budget for details], we will have $69,769 left over for repair and maintenance of our roads. What can we do with that amount of money? Very little. This year we spent over $60,000 filling lakes on a few of our side roads and over $3,000 repeatedly patching our hard surfaced roads. These efforts did not even come close to meeting our road maintenance needs. Our side roads and our chip‐seal continue to deteriorate and our paving plan is in limbo.

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(Continued from page 1)

Are we increasing our liability? Some believe that the above mentioned facts are evidence that OLCA can’t meet our obligations to provide safe roadways for our lot owners or for those who use our roads. Police, fire and ambulance response times can be totally inadequate. If lot owners are not willing to fund a basic level of maintenance of our roads, are we creating an increased, shared liability? Thus, the issue of entering OLCA into receivership was raised.

Stymied. At the April 26, 2014 General Membership meeting the members present voted to “offer the mem‐ bership the option of selecting a new road maintenance fee to be determined here today or if that fee is re‐ jected, notify membership that the board will take action to go into receivership”. The motion passed with 26 in favor and 8 opposed. A motion was then made to offer $185 for five years as the new road maintenance fee. That motion passed with 26 in favor and 7 opposed. There was supposed to be a ballot to that effect in this newsletter. However, following the General Membership meeting a number of members protested those deci‐ sions and at the OLCA Board meeting on May 20, 2014 the Board of Directors voted to “postpone action” on the motion to either change fees to $185 per year for five years or enter into receivership “until we can return to the membership for clarification and further instruction at the November 2014 General Membership meet‐ ing.” This motion passed with 5 in favor and 3 opposed. Therefore you will be receiving a billing, with this newsletter, for FY 2014‐15 in the amount of $85 for each lot you own.

What if? What if we had presented you with the option to raise our fees from $85 to $185 per year, and you voted for that increase? We would still have had to work with $69,769 for regular maintenance but we would also have had close to $74,000 per year for paving and $74,000 for chip‐seal repair. We would have been able to continue with some maintenance, move forward with the next phase of our chip‐seal repair and take the next step in completing our paving plan. The percentage of our budget going to Administrative costs would have dropped to a more reasonable 26%. Fixed Administrative costs become a smaller portion of the overall operating budget with more revenue.

At $185 we would not be able to do everything we need to do. We would however be able to move forward in protecting our investment on the chip‐seal roads. We would be able to continue to meet our obligation to complete the paving plan.

Can we operate at $85 per year? Yes, but do we want to? Do we want to merely survive, or do we want to move forward? Please come prepared to discuss these issues at the November 2014 General Membership meeting.

The Business that is the Orchidland Community Association, Inc. and Receivership

Sheldon Raiter

Orchidland Community Association, Inc. was incorporated 35 years ago, on June 19, 1979. After all these years, it is still not clear that our association is actually an incorporated business enterprise. So, what is the business? Answer: maintaining the commonly owned roads in the Orchidland Estates subdivision in the Puna District of Hawaii County.

Why is road maintenance the business of Orchidland Community Association, Inc.? It has to do with the money. And that has to do with the way the deeds for Orchidland Estates are written. When the subdivision was created the roads were organized as "Roadway Lot 8215." This lot can be found at Tax Map Key (3) 1‐06‐05 ‐165 on Map 53. There are 2400 lots in Orchidland Estates and each lot was deeded 1/2400th of the responsi‐ bility for our Roadway Lot.

Until 1983 no one knew what this kind of deed meant. In 1983 the Paradise Hui Hanalike sued Hawaii Paradise Park. The Supreme Court of Hawaii held:

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(Continued on page 3)

(Continued from page 2)

. . . where a subdivision is created consisting of lots and private roadways servicing them, and the deeds to the lots are silent as to the duty to contribute to the maintenance of the roads, owners of lots abutting the roads have a legal duty to contribute to necessary road maintenance. 66 Haw 382 (1983)

Now, a digression on the Purposes of Orchidland Community Association, Inc. Purposes are listed in both the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws.

The Articles of Incorporation do not contain the words "road(s)" or "road maintenance." Why not? Because the people who incorporated Orchidland Community Association, Inc. hoped for an IRS 501(c)3 tax exempt status. Why? So people could get a tax exemption for donations to Orchidland Community Association, Inc. In Decem‐ ber of 1980 the IRS denied our 501(c)3 petition. We were given 501(c)4 status affirming our status as a non‐ profit business enterprise.

What happened to the rest of the listed Purposes? Nothing. They are still there but the membership, acting through their Board of Directors, can only enforce assessments for road maintenance. That is what the Su‐ preme Court of Hawaii has said.

Now, how does a Court read "road(s)" or "road maintenance" into the Articles of Incorporation? It is in Article III, Paragraphs A and E:

A. To aid, promote and assist in the development, improvement and maintenance of Orchid‐ land Estates Subdivision as a desirable residential community.
E. To promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents in the subdivision.

The Bylaws state this Purpose directly in Article I, Section 3, Paragraph d: d. To maintain and improve the roads of the subdivision.

The other 8 Purposes are still there, but again, the membership can only enforce assessments for road mainte‐ nance. We are now back at the money and at the Hawaii law covering non‐profit corporations, Chapter 414D.

Corporate law, including the law covering non‐profit corporations, is designed to accomplish several ends. For this conversation, the important point is that Hawaii corporate law encourages the effective operation of busi‐ nesses in Hawaii.

In Hawaii law Receivership is part of the process of closing‐down a corporation, called Dissolution. Chapter 414D ‐ 252 is titled "Grounds for judicial dissolution," that is, the reasons that allow a judge to interfere with an incorporated business. Paragraph (b) is most significant here:

(b) In a proceeding by fifty members or members holding five percent of the voting power, whichever is less, or by a director or any person specified in the articles, the court may dissolve a corporation if it is established that:

(4) The corporate assets are being misapplied or wasted.

I have met many people who see that $85/year or even $185/year is way too little for road maintenance. That neither are sufficient to run the business is both a misapplication and a waste of assets.
None of this requires or even implies criminal activity. It only requires a demonstration that Orchidland Com‐ munity Association, Inc., that is all of us, cannot take care of its business, the roads.

Finally the powers of a Receiver or Custodian are given in Chapter 414D ‐ 254, Paragraph (c) (2):

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(Continued on page 4)

(Continued from page 3)

(2) The custodian may exercise all of the powers of the corporation, through or in place of its board of directors or officers, to the extent necessary to manage the affairs of the corporation in the best interests of its members and creditors.

The only power of Orchidland Community Association, Inc., a power that resides in the members and not the board, is to assess road fees.

So the question for the members of Orchidland Community Association, Inc. is how well do we take care of our business? It is the same question for those who choose not to be members. A Receiver or Custodian will use best business practice supported by all the power of the State of Hawaii. If Hawaiian Paradise Park is any exam‐ ple, our roads would improve. But at what cost?

Statements from Candidates for the Next Board of Directors

Bob Arthurs

Having owned property in Orchidland since the '70s, built in the '80s and '90s, my wife and I have enjoyed watching the community grow. Having been active as a Road Chair in the '90's and a director, I understand fully our problems. Being a firm believer in the democratic process, I will support the majority will of our member‐ ship.

Barbara Gantt

I would love to see our community pull together and make Orchidland the best place to live ever! I am not at‐ tached to the old stories, and have new ideas, and energy to give to the community. I am open, honest, and good at communicating. My ideas and assistance would be offered that hopefully would be good for the com‐ munity at large. I have lived in Orchidland since 2007, and just bought new property on 35th Ave, so I plan on being here for a long time! I am hoping to see great changes here in Orchidland with the roads, and the com‐ munity space we all own together!

Nikhil Inman‐Narahari

I have lived in Hawaii for about 10 years and in Orchidland for almost six. I am a program manager and ecolo‐ gist by profession. My primary motivation for seeking a position on the board is to help ensure that the will of the membership is carried out in an efficient and effective manner. This is only possible if we as the board can be successful in communicating with our membership ‐ providing members with timely and important information and listening to their needs and concerns so that, as a community, we can make decisions that best move us toward a safe, peaceful, and pleasant future.

Janet Somalinog

I used to live here and now I am back and just purchased a 2 acre parcel in Orchidland. I have experience with 20+ years of public school teaching, and have owned many homes. I am currently working for Malamalama Waldorf School as administrative specialist . I am very happy with my neighborhood and want to meet many‐ more people and get to work on making the community a great place to live. I want to be available to hear ideas and figure out a way to implement them. I am especially good at creating efficiency and am constantly making improvements to existing structures and systems.

Ric Wirick

I have owned Orchidland property for nine years and have lived here the past three. I recently became a volun‐ teer road captain for 42nd Ave., and upper unpaved Orchidland Drive. My professional background is in con‐ struction and maintenance, and also includes years of experience as a wildland firefighter and park ranger. As a community member I do my part to make our neighborhood roads a little less bumpy, and as an OLCA board member I plan to follow the same course. I will listen to and be the voice for those Orchidland Estates property owners that are not being heard.

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Please mail this ballot to: League of Women Voters P.O. Box 665, Hilo, Hawaii, 96721


Members are entitled to one vote for each lot owned. A member is a lot owner who is paid in full on all man‐ datory road maintenance fees and assessments. Please list the last five digits of all of your TMK lot numbers. Your vote will be multiplied by the number of lots you own.

TMK(s): __________________________________________________________________

This section will be removed by the League of Women Voters after membership verification. =====================================================================


The following individuals are running for the OLCA Board of Directors. We currently have 9 vacancies. You are entitled to vote for each vacancy. Please read the individual bios contained in this Newsletter.

Please vote YES or NO for each candidate.

Robert Arthurs [ Barbara Gantt [ Nikhil Inman‐Narahari [


[ ] NO Janet Somalinog [ ] YES [ ] NO [ ] NO Ric Wirick [ ] YES [ ] NO [ ] NO

The Directors will not see your returned ballot, so PLEASE do not write comments to the Board on the Ballot. Your comments may be sent to: OLCA, P.O. Box 280, Kea’au, HI 96749‐0280 or made via email:

Please mail this ballot to: League of Women Voters P.O. Box 665, Hilo, Hawaii, 96721

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Volunteers Needed!

Voice Mail: 808‐934‐7738 Email: Website:

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Orchidland Community Association, Incorporated Post Office Box 280, Keaau, Hawaii 96749 email: Voice Mail 808-934-7738



We have basically an all new Board of Directors and all new Officers. All are not only learning their responsibilities, but learning how to manage what others have started, and to do this as one family, one Board of Directors.

Our major basic challenges to handle, manage and resolve are:
The Board will address new paving and resurfacing of the Main Access Roads (MARS) according to the Road Plan, identify connectivity of main access roads, review the sharing of neighborhood road costs and ongoing maintenance, find a solution for the problematic Pohaku/40th elbow, and replace missing signs and posts,

Delinquent MRMAs will be processed according to the court’s instructions and filed in Small Claims Court. It is my understanding that a Court's judgement is a one time event and becomes public information unlike the previous liens which were used in the past.

The Education Committee will be reviewed, reestablished and be instrumental in developing the Community Lot.

My goal is to bring order and stability to the Board Meetings, and end unproductive behavior. In a democracy that works we learn how to "agree to disagree” yet still respect each other. Together we can stay on track for the betterment of our community. ~~

Accomplishments on Roads since the April Membership Meeting:
Potholes on our paved roads are now routinely being repaired. Ric Wyrick has been voluntarily patching potholes on the chip seal roads over the past few months. On 40th Avenue, Art Smith continues to volunteer his time. Many others have helped. Thank you all!

On 35th Avenue, 140 yards of concrete were poured to replace a failed section of chip seal between Pohaku Place and Laniuma. This was a problem area because of significant water flow across the road at times.

Road Materials Provided:

34th, between Ainaloa and Ilima
34th, between Aulii and Orchidland
35th, between Aulii and Orchidland
35th, near Pohaku
36th, between Aulii and Orchidland
36th, between Laniuma & Pohaku
37th, between Orchidland & Melia
38th, between Aulii & Orchidland
39th, between Orchidland & Laniuma
39th, between Laniuma & Pohaku
41st, between Orchidland & Aulii
42nd, between Orchidland & end
Aulii, between 40th & 41st
Orchidland Drive, 41st to top

Thanks to Bob Dexter and Armon Coleman who continue to mow the sides of our roads. Bob has also collected surplus stop signs from the County for our use. We need to purchase posts and install them. (continued on page 3)




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By Janet Somalinog

Aloha, this is my first time on a Board of Directors and the first time being a Treasurer. Even though there have been several recent Board changes I am able to report to you the end of the fiscal year information. And here are The balances of as of June 30, 2014:

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November 2014



November 22, 2014 ~ 1:30 P.M. Sign-In ~

EAGLE’S LODGE Across from the Humane Society

1. General Fund
2. Savings
3. Road Maintenance Ckg 4. Road Maintenance Svgs

5. Paving Fund Ckg
6. Paving Fund Svgs
7. Board Administration 8. Community Lot Fund 9. CapitolFund 10. Chip Seal Repair Fund

62,295.09 75.75 97,076.88 15,155.77 54,877.89 101.15 13,334.74 7,334.42

25,509.21 246,538.17 76,465.00 24,841.78



On September 10th, a membership petition was submitted to the Board President requesting a Special Membership Meeting. The petition was initiated by Ric Wyrick, after his resignation from the Board and the Road Chair in August. The Board was unable to arrange a meeting place in the required time frame, and it was mutually decided to address the petition topics at the November General Membership Meeting.




We, the membership of Orchidland Community Association call for a Special Membership Meeting to address numerous issues surrounding the controversial and expensive repair scheduled to lower Orchidland Drive (34th Ave to 37th Ave). We call for a late afternoon/ early evening Special Membership meeting time to accommodate all OLCA members.

1) We call for a legal review and opinion on the methods and process that were used to collect the Chip Seal repair funds. (Continued on page 4)

11. CD (Legal)

12. Legal Savings



The new Fiscal Responsibility Review Committee is at work looking at streamlining and standardizing our fiscal Policies and Procedures in order to reduce administrative costs. Our goals are to use your Road Fees wisely, effectively, efficiently, and properly.

I take my responsibility very seriously and am committed to learning as much as I can as fast as I can. If any members are interested in volunteering to assist with our office/storage/ filing systems, grant writing, or financial solutions, please contact us. Consider being a part of making Orchidland a better place. Mahalo Nui Loa~~




Page 3 November 2014

Some members are also licensed amateur radio operators who can provide necessary communications. Further information can be found at the following FEMA web site: http://

Are You Disaster Ready?
By Dennis McCartin

Hurricane Iselle tested our individual and family readiness in disaster and emergency preparedness. Fortunately, Orchidland Estates fared far better than other communities in Puna. A big Mahalo goes out to all of you who quickly and selflessly went and cleared the roads of fallen trees and helped your neighbors out. The Board of Directors (BOD) established a committee to draft out a new Orchidland Community Emergency Plan. This plan describes eight (8) disaster incidents that could affect Orchidland. This plan also incorporates the previous response to a lava tube cave-in and the BOD’s response to mitigate this event with $15,000 set aside for this purpose.

The new plan also describes the mission of the recently approved Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) by County Civil Defense. The BOD has approved a portion of the community lot as a staging area in the event of a disaster and for training. CERT members go through a basic four Saturday trainings in disaster preparedness, fire safety and suppression, CERT organization, Incident Command System, casualty triage and basic first aid, light search and rescue, critical incident stress debriefing, and appropriate actions regarding terrorism events. The mission of the CERT Team is to provide rapid and safe care for one’s self, family members, friends and neighbors until trained emergency responders arrive; coordinate emergency management resources and spontaneous volunteers; and provide trained volunteers for shelter management, if necessary.

Orchidland CERT will also undertake functions that improve the resilience of the community in advance of any incident by: informing and educating neighbors in disaster preparedness; planning, preparing, and executing projects that improve community awareness. >>>

Local contact: Dennis McCartin at 430-5440.~~


Chip Seal Paving Fund: Since chip seal is no longer an environmentally approved material, the Chip Seal Funds collected over the past 2 years were targeted by the last Board to go towards placing 2" of new asphalt over the deteriorating Orchidland Drive chip seal surface from 34th to 37th (laid in 2001). This project is currently on hold until it is discussed at the General Membership Meeting. A petition was received which required resolution by the membership before proceeding. It is printed in this newsletter.

Road Committee Report (cont. from pg.1)

35th Avenue Concrete Project: When this project was installed, the contractor deviated from the specifications that had been supplied. We are working with a Civil Engineer to understand the difference this would make in life expectancy, and working with the contractor to reach a mutually acceptable solution.


Goals moving forward:
1- Potholes: Keep the potholes filled on the chip seal roads, and do maintenance, with the goal of these roads lasting until repaving funds are allocated or collected for repaving.
2- Supply Materials for Unpaved Roads: Distribute more of your road money to the road in front of your house. We can only achieve this if neighbors will work with neighbors to do the work. If a block wants to organize a work party for their road, we will try to supply the material. 3- Complete the 1999 Paving Plan: Work towards completing the final paving increments (Ilima), begin prep work on Pohaku, 40th and Laniuma, to make existing driving conditions better for all. ~~





Barbara Gantt TREASURER
Janet Somalinog ROAD (RMC) CHAIR Richard Greever


  •  Wayne Carey

    Barbara Gantt

  •  Tegen Greene

  •  Peter Houle

  •  Dennis McCartin

  •  Rick Turner


  •  Wayne Carey

    Barbara Gantt

  •  Richard Greever

  •  Dennis McCartin

  •  Janet Somalinog

    RMC - 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm @ Blane’s
    BOD - 3rd Tuesday 5:30pm @ Eagles

    P.O. Box 966 Kea’au, HI 96749

    OLCA MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2:00 P.M. On Saturday, November 22, 2014

    ~ 1:30 P.M. Sign-In ~ EAGLE’S LODGE

Member Petition

(continued from page 2)

“yes or no” whether to spend over $219,000 of Chip Sea repair funds on the repaving of lower Orchidland Drive with 2′′ of asphalt paving.

Please note, this is the same amount of asphalt paving used on new asphalt paved roads within Orchidland, and lower Orchidland Drive was already paved once in the current Paving Plan rotation which is yet to be completed. The last time the paving plan was deviated from, a court action and subsequent mediation dictated that the paving plan rotation could not be altered.

6) This proposed ballot membership vote would also include the option to disperse Chip Seal repair funds to other chip sealed roads in need of maintenance and repair. For instance, using the chip seal fund to provide weekly pothole maintenance until the current paving plan is completed. ~~


2) We call for a legal review and opinion on the manner in which these Chip Seal repair funds were redirected to lower Orchidland Drive.

3) We call for an independent civil engineer to provide a detailed report on the status




of lower Orchidland Drive and to give us viable options for proper repair.

4) We call for a current Road Committee report on other chip sealed roads within Orchidland Estates in need of repair and viable options for the use of Chip Seal repair funds.

5) We call for an Orchidland Community Association ballot vote, in order to allow all OLCA members to decide >>




JUNE 2015















Potholes on the chip-sealed roads have been regularly addressed during the year by paid and

volunteer workers. The resealing of the chip seal should prevent new potholes from forming.

We are grateful for the help of the many who are out repairing the roads and those who have shared their expertise on roads. ~



RMC - 2nd Tuesday
6 pm @ Ainaloa Longhouse


BOD - 3rd Tuesday
6 pm @ Ainaloa Longhouse 16-303 Ainaloa Boulevard


We have found a solution for the resealing of all of our chip-sealed roads. The work will be paid for in full by the Chip Seal Repair Fund totaling over $250,000 which was collected in 2012 and 2013 for this purpose. The plan has been approved by the Board and is scheduled to be completed by the end of June, weather permitting.

Our choice of contractor, Island Roads Inc. (IRI) has developed a proprietary emulsion that will reseal the chip-sealed roadways, which begin at the highway and end at the asphalt of the second paving increment. The process should prevent water penetration and pothole formation, as well as smoothing a roadway 20 feet in width. Drainage to be performed on edges of the roadway will help prevent breakup.

Grading of twenty miles of the avenues (side roads) has been accomplished during the last four months. Drainage channels have also been opened in some of the worst areas, with work throughout Orchidland being continued through June. Filling holes, low spots, and rough areas will employ 1 1/2” base course once the drainage is corrected.



Gerald Akana Tegen Greene Richard Greever Elizabeth Wewers








Rick Turner

SECRETARY Vijay Karai TREASURER Barbara Arthurs ROAD CHAIR Tegen Greene


Gerald Akana Richard Greever Peter Houle Elizabeth Wewers Therese Zeller ROAD COMMITTEE




Page 1


Candidates for Directors

Barbara Arthurs: Retired as Vice-Chancellor of Hawaii Community College. Served 1998-2001 as OLCA President when the Board started the incremental paving. I would like to see completion of the Paving Plan for the Main Access Roads and begin sealing the side roads. I will work with the c ommunity to make Orchidland a great place to live.

Don Stoner: Since November 2014, I have served on the Board. For 3 months I have been on the Road Committee. In April, I became Road Chair. My background is very broad including construction, military, logging, 10+ years of university, and a career as a registered nurse—retiring from Hilo Medical Center Hale Ho Ola mental health unit as a psych nurse. I have been a supervisor in 3 different nursing homes.

Gerald Akana: In the last 6 months I have seen a lot of road work done, especially on the side roads. I have been repairing the potholes on Pohaku Drive for the last 8 years and now we have a contractor filling potholes in all of Orchidland. I would like to continue my time on the Board so that we will have enough directors to conduct business and continue t he progress started this past year.

Peter Houle: Chemical Engineer. Business Owner for 30 years. On OLCA Board 1995, 2014, 2015. Priorities: Collections, side roads, pave main roads with asphalt. Here to spend your money wisely and work with a total viewpoint on how to complete paving plan and put base course on all the side roads for the next three years.

Ric Wirick: For the last year, I have been an active volunteer working with and for our community. By doing what was necessary, from filling potholes (over 12 tons of cold patch applied), utilizing my backhoe to open drainages on some side roads, and distributing over 140 tons of base coarse, I have improved roads that have had little maintenance for years & helped coordinate clean-up and grading of our Community Lot. In addition, I have been gathering and sharing information on how our community, by working and voting together, can regain control over our road repair and maintenance f unds to use them more efficiently. Working together we will move forward together.


Page 2 June 2015

Rick Turner: As President of your OLCA Board of Directors for the last 5 months, I have come to realize how important this position is in the areas of Road Maintenance, Development of a Community Center & Park, as well as bringing our community together and stopping the division, now! With the community’s support, the current BOD has made substantial progress. As your humble servant, I would like to continue this momentum of progress into the future. That is why I’m seeking to serve this community for the next three years.

Skyler (Sky) Platt Sr: As a concerned Orchidland

member I would like to see our monies well-spent,

our roads maintained and improved. Oversight is

necessary to guarantee the quality of roadwork to be

completed. Standards must be set and followed. I

have thirty years of experience in the construction

industry, the past ten years working for one of the

Tegen Greene: Getting your money onto your roads! That is my first priority. We need a fresh look at every assumption, every tradition, every process, every interpretation, every expense. The world and Orchidland have changed greatly since this organization was created. I bring an ability to see things in a new way and, with help, to reexamine the processes and possibilities. Are our Bylaws a framework to inform our actions or a prison to inhibit creativity & growth? We need a lot of help from all kinds of people with all kinds of talents and perceptions. Your feedback and contributions on any level will make a difference.


largest road construction companies on the island.

Thomas McCandless: I am interested in doing better roads for the community and bringing the

people together to work together and to get to know one another. I was a Construction Worker for 26 years, 10 years as Laborer, 4 years as Pipe Person, 12 years as Foreman, 10 years as Supervisor running 3 to 4 jobs at a time — Road, Subdivision Work above and below ground.

Vijay Karai: Here are 5 reasons why I am asking you NOT to vote for me.
The number one reason is that I am not one of you. I was born in Bangalore, India. Immigrated to the USA in 1982 and lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota for over 30 years. In 2012, I took early retirement and moved to Orchidland, Hawaii to explore and hone my skills at writing, photography & farming. (cont. on page 4)






Building Community Support

Our Community is you – and our collective

voice comes through committee

participation. Please sign up for one of our

many committees – it is the bridge between

___Finance Committee reviews methods to

efficiently spend OLCA monies, fee

Personal information will used only for OLCA purposes cited and not given to others.

My Name____________________________

Street Address________________________

Home or Work Phone__________________


our Community and our Board of Directors.



Standing Committees include:

collection and billing policies, and more.


___By-Laws Committee suggests updates


___ I’ll provide my email to save resources

to our by-laws and helps assure compliance

TMK _______________________________


with policies and procedures.

___Community Lot Development Committee looks at various site plans, community needs/interests, and sources of funding for our lot.

Proposed Committees include:

___digital billing


____I would like email notification of General Membership Meetings and Special Membership Meetings. Note: OLCA no longer provides written notification.

COMMUNITY LOT DEVELOPMENT — I am willing to donate $_________ when I pay my fees. Donations to roadwork also accepted.

Our website: provides access to the latest info, including detailed OLCA finances, meeting minutes, community activities and past history.

Your cooperation in the chip-seal resurfacing project would be greatly appreciated. Please forgive the inconvenience, drive slowly and cautiously on newly chip-sealed surfaces, and help prevent others from damaging them. ~

___Website & Electronic Media Committee to provide current OLCA information by keeping our website & other official OLCA electronic media sites updated and fully accessible.

___Road Captain’s Committee a group of volunteers coordinating road maintenance and repair with their neighbors on their roadways, while working closely with the Board of Directors/ Road Committee.

___Agriculture Committee to address

agricultural land use, issues and

___Commercial Property Owner’s Committee to represent the commercial interests and to establish an ongoing cooperative working relationship with the Board of Directors.

___Social Committee coordinates social

events, fostering a sense of community,

___Neighborhood Watch Group unites

individuals to report crime, dumping, unsafe

___Civil Defense/ Emergency Response




improvements for our Community.



welcoming new members.


driving, and other suspicious activity.

and for







Data Processing Firm Hired


Vijay Karai Candidate Statement



(continued from page 2)

OLCA has contracted with Data Processing Services, Inc. for accounting, bookkeeping, billing, collection and payables services. DPS, a Hilo business, is used by other local community associations of similar size. This move will save us more than $14,000 annually. The annual billing statement may arrive a little later than usual as a result of this transition.

The Board of Directors thanks Lisa Johnson, who served as the OLCA bookkeeper prior to our transition to DPS. ~

By electing me to the board, you’ll be binding my

heart and soul to the community. Why would you

2. I have traveled on the mainland extensively for

photography but am rooted now in this beautiful

community of Orchidland. I have a wife, a son, a

daughter, 6 dogs and 2 cats. My 4-acre property

is ideal for developing a self-sustaining lifestyle.

We grow fruits and vegetables extensively and


want to do that!


we raise some chickens and do bee keeping.

So you see I am busy with so many things and really do not have any time for the shenanigans that have been going on at the Association. I might try and stop all that, spoiling the fun for some, so why would you want to do that!


Upon any lot owner becoming delinquent for more than one year after the due date for payment, the BOD may enforce collection by obtaining a judgment against the property owner through small claims court. If the balance is not cleared or the lot owner does not commit to an installment payment plan, the BOD may place a lien on the property through the Bureau of Conveyances or Land Court of the State of Hawaii. The delinquent lot owner may also incur the collection fees involved. Foreclosure proceedings are prohibited against delinquent lot owners. However, OLCA is not barred from any other remedy available to the Association pursuant to law. ~


All owners of Orchidland Estates lots abutting private road ways, which are owned in common, shall be assessed mandatory road assessments as authorized by the State of Hawaii Court Summary Judgment dated April 3, 1992.

3. My interest in becoming a Director next term is to help make this a thriving, well-developed, safe and welcoming community. If that doesn’t sound corny to you what would! Please do not select me to the board. If you do, all of these things might come true.

4. I want to make sure that the Association is held together with the common purpose of maintaining good roads, help build a community center, and on the whole become an ideal place for any family to move in and or build for a comfortable living. That sounds phony to me, does it sound phony to you. If it is too good to be true, it usually is!! Do not select a phony person to the board.

5. Let me give you a final warning, if you select me I will commit to serve the Association for at least one whole year and hope to continue later. You are already getting sick of me, how could you stand me for a whole year or more.

Heaven forbid, if you do elect me to the board, I

might write another article of 5 reasons why you




Collection of MRMA Fees


Orchidland Community Association and its Board of Directors extend our condolences to the family of

Karen Doom
who passed away in April. For many years, Karen served as the accounts receivable & payable

clerk for OLCA . She will be missed.



did the wrong thing!!!!

Editor’s Note: Vijay brings humor to every situation.






If you cannot attend an OLCA Membership Meeting, you may assign another person of your choice to cast your vote by proxy. Fill out the information below if you wish to assign a proxy. This form must be received by June 24, 2015

I appoint and authorize the person below (check one) to be my Proxy whether or not he/she on the OLCA Board of Directors.

  •  ___ Rick Turner

  •  ___ Skylar (Sky) Platt

  •  ___ Tegen Greene

  •  ___ Thomas McCandless

  •  ___ Vijay Karai

  •  ___ Other ____________________________

    ___ Proxy valid for all General Membership Meetings for 12 months from date of signing ___ Proxy valid for all General and Special Membership Meetings for 12 months from date of signing

    Print your Name: _________________________________________
    Mailing Address: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
    Phone: _________________________________________________
    TMK Number(s) of Lots In Orchidland Estates That You Own:

    ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

    ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

    By signing this formI attest I am a member in good standing of the Orchidland Community Association. In accordance with the OLCA Bylaws, members who are in good standing are entitled to one vote per TMK. Multiple lot owners must be paid in full on ALL lots owned to be in good standing. Your TMK (Tax Map Key) is on your newsletter label.

    Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act Section 414D-113 states “Unless the articles or bylaws prohibit or limit proxy voting, a member may appoint a proxy to vote or otherwise act for the member by signing an appointment form either personally or by an attorney-in-fact... An appointment of a proxy is revocable by the member.”


___ Don Stoner

___ Gerald Akana

___ Peter Houle

___ Ric Wirick


___ Barbara Arthurs

___ Richard Greever

Check one that applies







Signed: ________________________________ Date: ______________________





Orchid Land Estates Lot Owner P O Box 280
Kea`au, HI 96749-0280




Orchidland Community Association P O Box 280
Kea`au, HI 96749-0280



OLCA 2015-2016 Proposed BUDGET



Administrative Expense


Data Processing/Bookkeeper



Accounts Receivable/Payable

see above


Minutes Recorder



Ballot Tabulation



BOD Liability Insurance



Bond Insurance






Legal/Professional Fees



Liens Expenses

see below


Collections Expenses



Facility Rental



Office Supply/Phone (Lisa 1500)









Property Tax







see below





GET contract taxes



Bank Charges



Refunds to Lot Owners



Administrative Expense TOTALS



Administrative Income

Administrative Fee (from MRMA)



Liens Cleared



Transfer/Refinance Fees






Administrative Income TOTALS





Road Expense


GET contract taxes



Administration fee (to BOD fund)



Paving Fund



Capital Fund



Liability Insurance



Contingency/Misc Fund



All Roads



MRMA road reimbursements



Trash Removal



Road Expense TOTALS



Road Income

MRMA $100 x2408 lots x 70%



To Paving Fund



To Chip Seal Maintenance



Receivables (MRMAs Past Due)



Bank interest



Late payment interest





Previous MRMAs Paid



Road Income TOTALS



OLCA BALANCES as of April 30, 2015

General Fund


Road Maintenance


Paving Fund


Board Administration


Community Lot Fund


Capital Fund


Chip Seal Fund


Legal Fund




The MRMA amount has been $85 for most of the last few years. A $15 increase to $100 does not even begin to match the increase in the cost of living, including the price of asphalt and machinery operation that Orchidland must pay for road improvements. Not to mention the price of tires and auto repairs caused by lack of road maintenance. Owners of Orchidland lots own the all roads in common. Roads cannot change unless you agree to raise the MRMA and a greater percentage of owners pay it. The current Board expects that you will see a noticeable improvement of

Although the proposed $100 Paving Assessment is not at this time included in the mandatory fees, it is a reasonable annual charge for you to drive on the paved road to your property, just like many other bills you pay which are not called “mandatory”. The first increments of ALL the MARs were paved many years ago with the prioritizing order based on the number of users. The final increments of several Main Access Roads (MARS) still need to be paved and the people who drive these unpaved roads have been waiting 15 years for their turn in the original Paving Plan. These MARs are Ilima from 35th to 37th, Pohaku from 37th to 40th, Laniuma from 36th to 40th, and 40th from Laniuma to Oliana. To be FAIR, those not using the unpaved roads still need to continue to pay toward the Paving Plan, just as those driving on the unpaved MARS roads paid for your asphalt-paved roads for the past 15 years. To be FAIR, please vote for the proposed fees & pay them when billed so that those furthest from the highway can benefit. ~


the chip-sealed and side road conditions in the next month.


Orchidland Community Association P O Box 280
Kea`au, HI 96749-0280

Address Correction Requested





  • APPROVED – BOD Meeting Minutes

  • October 17, 2017

  • . Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. Virginia Aste volunteered to serve Pro

  • Tem. Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

  • II. Roll call: Directors Present:

  • Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, David Marquis/Road Chair, Mark Willman, Marti Morishige Absent:

  • Sharon Landry/Treasurer-off island (excused), Sally Waitt/Secretary-ill (excused).

  • OLCA Members: Ralph Boyea, Dennis McCartin, Armon Collman, Bob Arthurs, Virginia Aste, Sharon McCartin

  • III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

  • IV. Approval of Agenda:

  • Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 10-17-17. Marti Morishige seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous.

  • Motion carried.

  • V. Approval of Past Minutes:

  • Marti Morishige moved to approve the 9-19-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion.

  • Vote: Yes-4, No-0, Abstain-1 (Mark Willman). Motion carried.

  • VI. Officers’ Reports:

  • President Report – Barbara Arthurs – Orchidland Property owners met with Nancy Cabral. It seems that she was very

  • interested in what was said, she took notes, asked questions. Plaintiff representatives to answer her questions were Ralph

  • Boyea, Dennis McCartin, Sharon McCartin, Peter Houle, Vijay Karai – all people who had history with OLCA as well as served

  • on OLCA boards, past and present, who expressed their concern. This was in the morning and then, in the afternoon, on Friday

  • September 29, she was going to meet with the Wirick group. She asked for information and materials, which were dropped off for

  • her to look at. Her deadline is November 15 to make her recommendations to the Judge.

  • Tiger Grant for Hwy 130 – Joy San Buenaventura emailed Bob Arthurs and a few others to support the Tiger Grant for Federal

  • Funds for repair between Shower and Ainaloa. A letter was read as drafted by Bob to be forwarded to Secretary Chow at the

  • Federal Government level. Several dangerous streets that turn onto the Highway 130 and are dangerous were mentioned,

  • including Pohaku drive, Kaloli, Orchidland drive, which has the same problem but with more traffic due to the market. OLCA has

  • pleaded for years for a two lane circle/roundabout or a traffic light although we have power outages, so lights tied to the grid are

  • problematic in this area. Ainaloa, is the only entrance into that subdivision. A discussion ensued.

  • OLCA October Newsletter – was completed this past Saturday and mailed out on Monday. Ralph Boyea and Ariel Murphy

  • couldn’t be there, but took 500 of them and folded them before they left for their Anniversary celebration on Oahu. Armon

  • Colman taped them. Marti Morishige and her neighbor, along with Sherri Carden, and D’Artagnan came to help and they all

  • finished in an hour and half to add the remaining labels and stamps. It was printed early enough to take home batches and fold

  • before the final stages of the production, which was very helpful.

  • One thing to note was CERT article by Dennis McCartin and Sharon McCartin about Neighborhood watch. A note was added

  • that the Lyons (Wirick) group didn’t want either of these organizations. Building Community & Safety are part of the bylaws and

  • have been supported by this group and not Lyon’s group.

  • Ariel moved to accept the President’s report. Viginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion

  • carried.

  • VP – Ariel Murphy - On November 9, Thursday, 6:30 p.m., at The Pahoa Community Center, the Board of Directors of the East

  • Hawaii region of Hawaii 

  • BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 10-17-17

    Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 10-17-17. Marti Morishige seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous.

    Motion carried.

    Marti Morishige moved to approve the 9-19-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion.

    Vote: Yes-4, No-0, Abstain-1 (Mark Willman). Motion carried.

    Ariel moved to accept the President’s report. Viginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion


    Virginia Aste moved that the Orchidland Community Association (OLCA) make a letter in support of the long term and

    short term needs of the East Hawaii Health Corp to let them know what we need here. Marti Morishige seconded. Vote:

    Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Marti Morishige moved to accept the VP report. David Marquis seconded. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Mark Willman moved to accept the Bylaws Committee Report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5.

    Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Mark Willman moved to accept the Community Liaison Committee Report. Marti Morishige seconded the motion. Vote:

    Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Mark Willman moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors Report. Marti Morishige seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5.

    Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Mark Willman moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5.

    Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT Committee Report. Marti Morishige seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5.

    Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Ariel Murphy moved to cancel the November 21, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting. Mark Willman seconded the motion.

    Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Ariel Murphy moved to have a joint Board of Directors meeting and Christmas Party in December. Marti Morishige

    seconded. Vote: Yes-4, No-0, Abstain-1 (Marti Morishige). Motion carried.

    Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion















    Bylaws Committee: 1) Proposed amendments for the first reading. Armon Collman presented four changes including proxy

    voting prohibited in the bylaws. 414D has the authority to give the decision or not, so the other group used it to leverage and go

    off on the path they’ve gone on. Bylaws need to strictly and clearly prohibit proxy voting.

    2) A discussion occurred about allowing BOD meetings to have 5 versus 6members for Quorum. In analyzing that as a possibility

    to facilitate having BOD meetings, they found another part that required 11 or 12 members as Directors, so when you have a

    Board meeting, half of your board members need to be present. If we want to go to five as the minimum for quorum, then we

    need to change the number of Board members.

    According to our bylaws, when changes are suggested , it requires a public reading. And today is our first reading. The

    General membership will vote in a special meeting on May 16, 2017, which is the usually third Tuesday of the month when

    regular board meetings are held, so we will have both a BOD and a Gen Membership meeting to vote on these three

    amendments per the process required by our Bylaws, Article 13.

    Article 13 bylaws read.

    Community Lot Report: Dr. Barbara Arthurs - The Community lot is not open to all of us because Mr. Wirick won’t relinquish

    the key and no one can use it. That lot was purchased in 2000 when I was President of OLCA for us to build a community center

    and house our equipment. But today they are using it for a pancake breakfast paid for by our road fees.

    Community Liaison Committee Report– Virginia Aste – She urged all to get on the email newsletter for all our representatives,

    because there’s so much information in them.

    We need to help restore and increase the contingency funds so the county council members can respond quickly and

    effectively to the immediate needs of their community here in Puna. Our main testimony for those community funds should be

    that Orchidland Neighbors through their own efforts to solicit private funds, have been able to move forward on making a

    community center for Orchidland. If you have no community infrastructure you have less community participation. She asked the

    Community at large to please write Mayor Harry Kim and ask him to restore and increase contingency funds to the operating

    budget because we are relying on that for a 501(c)(3) to put together a community center in OLCA. The council newsletters let

    you know when testimony needed to restore Bill 11 in order to have contingency funds.

    Discussion about the upcoming 2017-2018 Election.

    1) Ariel Murphy agreed to run for a one-year term. I’m running because I want to help. I’m a lot owner. I’m a realtor. And I

    want to help our community as much as I can.

    2) Marti Morishige – I was a past president in OLCA and it was a tough year, but I want to support Barbara Arthurs and

    the other members because as a 30 year resident, and also a realtor, we deal with the land and the houses, we keep

    up with county reports, which is a benefit for being on a board, but most of all I want to serve and see our community

    come together again and hopefully have a community center some day.

    3) Mark Willman – came in these troubled times to try to be a peacemaker and rational decision maker. I’ve been in the

    community a long time and I just want to help.

    Ballots must be received by May 15. – You must use the one with the mailing label so we know how many lots and votes you


    Vote counters will enter the number of lots and won’t know who is voting for whom. We have only a space to mark an x for

    candidates for three candidates. Count will be done by the Eagles. Don’t use a ballot without the mailing info on it.

    Neighborhood Watch Coordinator – Sharon McCartin – She had a display up and flyers. They meet on the second Thursday

    of the month at Blane’s. They have a community police officer who attends our meetings and June of this year we will start a

    patrol unit. Orchidland has a low crime rate according to the police. If you would like all to be come a part of the neighborhood

    watch program, they meet the second Thursday of the month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Blane’s.

    Sam Capole gave a presentation about security cameras for property and had some available for inspection and purchase.

    CERT – Dennis McCartin, Team leader for OLCA CERT Team – He started a CERT team in OLCA and they have about 25

    members including a few people from Ainaloa and lower Hawaiian Acres because those communities don’t have a CERT team.

    Two handouts were given: 1) What you need in your own emergency binder including important documents to be scanned

    and put in thumb drive.





    2) put together a family emergency plan especially if you have children. You need photos of them and they of you. They need

    to know their family last names. Get your property ready for disaster. Know how to get out of your house safely. Know what to

    take if you need to go to a shelter.

    Team training is four Saturdays in a row, with the next training starting October 7, 2017. At that training all will be introduced

    to and trained on disaster preparedness, fire suppression, first aid, search and rescue including how to do proper lifting

    techniques, psychological first aid in disasters, what to do in poison events.

    It was noted that Stan Capole is a neighborhood watch leader who installed cameras for Pearl Harbor and retired here. If you

    don’t have a security camera, the prosecutors and police really advocate security cameras because they’re difficult to dispute in

    court. It’s a deterrent although not a prevention.

    Orchidland Neighbors -- Sharon Landry – please fill out the survey as that will complete our feasibility study.

    Ms. Virginia Aste stated that they had an annual meeting at ON and you can get the agenda – the food basket is going strong

    thanks to the Church of Latter Day Saints. Our numbers have increased slightly and expect they’ll go up about 25%. Through

    private donations we’ve been able to increase our food purchases. We will be able to increase to one more bag for each person

    this coming month thanks to those private donations. There are so many in our community in need, children, elderly, and those

    working, but still not making enough. We have applied for contingency funds and we look good to maybe get them for this last

    time, if Mayor Kim removes them from the County Councilperson’s Budget, so that’s another important and direct reason why

    helping them to keep their contingency funds is so important to our community.

    Barbara Arthurs commented that when they did the OLCA survey, it does show that many didn’t feel they would benefit from a

    food distribution program, yet there are people in our community who really are in need so the Food Basket volunteers are to be

    commended for their great work.

    There was a Court situation question: In May there should be a settlement hearing and then another hearing after that, which

    will have to do with the petition requesting a master receiver. For people who were concerned about dissolution of OLCA, it is not

    what some falsely have rumored, it will simply mean that someone called a master receiver will be identified by the Court to hire

    a management company to help manage and address the roads.

    The example of this was HPP and when they went into receivership, they were not dissolved. We are looking for a master

    receiver with a property manager to help us through this situation with which we are now faced so that our roads can be

    addressed and attended to transparently and with licensed contractors despite the untruth by the others saying it’s not needed. If

    you have an unlicensed contractor, their works are not guaranteed. A contractor’s license requires them to make the road

    smooth and live by that guarantee. They have to do it right or they could loose their license. A licensed contractor pays into a

    fund to fix a problem, if they make one, but when we use unlicensed contractor it’s foolish and fiscally irresponsible to the entire

    community. That is what has happened.

    The paving of 40


    near Pohaku Drive and the upper end of Pohaku Drive was paved without those people realizing or caring that

    an arbitration decision was already legally on the books and the official Orchidland Pavement Plan was for Ilima to have been

    next in the rotation. Because no bank would loan us money in one fell swoop, we started incremental paving knowing that Ilima,

    per legal arbitration, was supposed to be done next. Instead they paved 40


    and they did it improperly, without correct base and

    drainage as was required by the army corps of engineers report done years before and required before 40


    could be paved to

    prevent wasting the community money on that job having been done wrong. We need more current and complete info from the

    people holding and arbitrarily spending the community funds. We have asked that group to provide a full financial report as the

    legal right of all community members of OLCA per the bylaws. They have not provided a full financial report.

    The group holding the community money says that they’re spending $600 per day. It was noted by many in the meeting that

    this just isn’t visible on the roads, yet what was said to have been spent oddly adds up to exactly what was in the bank when they

    took over the funds.

    To further clarify what Receivership is or isn’t: The road fees will not and do not go up dramatically despite what’s been

    floated into the community to fear monger and confuse people about the fact that receivership would give the community a

    property manager and legal accountability.

    5. Announcements:

    May 16, 2017 is the official OLCA Board of Directors Meeting and a special General Membership meeting to vote on the

    proposed amendments.

    6. Adjournment:





    Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sharon Landry seconded the motion.

    Vote: Yes-Unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.

    Submitted by: Submitted by:

    _______________________ _______________________

    Sally Waitt Susan Bambara

    Secretary Recording Secretary


    MOTIONS LOG – 4-15-17

    David Marquis moved to approve the agenda for the 4-15-17 General Membership meeting. Ariel Murphy seconded the

    motion. Vote: Yes-32, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.

    Ralph Boyea moved to approve the OLCA General Membership Meeting Minutes of 11-19-16 as circulated. Sharon

    Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-31, No-0, Abstain-0. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sharon Landry seconded the motion.

    Vote: Yes-Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 2-21-17


February 21, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Bob Coster joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, David Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Bob Coster/Pro Tempore, Sally Waitt/Secretary Absent: Mark Willman–off island, Sharon Landry/Treasurer,

OLCA Members:

Ralph Boyea, Dennis McCartin, Mike Moreno, Robert Coster, Ronald Zimmerman, Marie Bricker

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 2-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes: The OLCA 1-17-17 BOD Meeting minutes were approved as presented. VI. Officer’s Reports:
A. President: Dr. Barbara Arthurs

1. OV Lawsuit – She’s going into Deposition in March. Apparently other people will be subpoenaed and deposed. She was already deposed for a whole day despite it only supposed to be 7 hours at a time. There was a limit, but she didn’t know, so she agreed to their grueling hours of deposition and because it has gone through a stipulation, they will continue deposing her on another date in March.

2. Draft Letter to Council Members and State Legislators – This letter invited them to the General Membership meeting in April, and also for them to give a message for the OLCA Newsletter going out in March. The Board discussed whom they wanted to invite and the ideas presented were Jen Ruggles, Eileen O’hara, Joy San Buenaventura, Richard Onishi, Russell Ruderman. The letter was read for all to discuss. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5 Unanimous. Motion carried.

VP Report – She met with Jen Ruggles on another community project, but she asked at the meeting what was going on with the roads and Jennifer reported that she was going to work for assistance from the county. Sally Waitt moved to accept the Vice President’s report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Discussion. Joy San Buenaventura filed a bill for all subdivision associations to be overseen by the DCCA. It was passed with amendments. This Bill was to get the DCCA to not only supervise condo associations but also subdivision associations. It passed with amendments and went to house floor. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Secretary Report – Sally Waitt – tabled due to no new information.

Treasurer – Sharon Landry – Sharon was absent, but the President stated that we have no money because this board has no access to OLCA funds. Two accounts that are filled by the main accounts are still frozen, but the main two including CU Hawaii are still open but the other individuals claiming to be the board will not relinquish their names off the accounts.


OLCA BOD MTG 2-21-17

VII. Committee Reports

Road Committee Report -– David Marquis, Road chair – Reported that the community is going to have to think about Auli’I because there’s at least ten people on it, it’s too busy and not wide enough for such the huge amount of traffic, so it’s going to be a real danger. The danger is that they’re only 20 feet wide and they need to be at least 24 feet wide for the county to take them over. Ola’a county road danger at a curve was discussed because cars have gone off the edge and it needs reflectors, even a big cherry picker truck went off it so the county put little poles in except for this one particular spot. Contacting road superintendent was suggested for one or two more poles with reflectors to be pursued for that area. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Bylaws committee -- Armon Collman - they didn’t have a meeting per se but he took on the devil’s advocate regarding researching and considering Proxy Voting. It would be good to move forward actively to demonstrate that we have heard the community. He noted that proxies are both good and bad. They give people an opportunity to go on either side of the fence. Those who live off island and have paid their fees should be allowed to become active. We should have checked on the illegal proxies that took place because no legal policies were in place. It behooves the Board to communicate well with the community. The illegal proxies issue was what the other party did to make more of an effort to get proxies, but if board uses website and newsletter to keep the communication about what’s happening then if we move forward with proxies, we’ll be way ahead of the game because it seems the most democratic thing to do. Waikoloa was cited as the model he has looked at as a subdivision successfully using proxies. A discussion about proxy voting and discussing the pro and con of it with the entire membership must occur.

A member stated that 421J is for planned communities only. 414D is what must be looked at regarding proxy voting for this subdivision. It’s not recommended for non-profits. Robert’s rules doesn’t recommend it. The others make arbitrary decisions that are not including the membership and that is incorrect procedure.

They plan to discuss it at the community level first. Put it before the membership in April having the Pros/Cons of Proxy voting presented.

Dr. Arthurs: without strong policies and procedures, you can have problems. Most proxy voting is with some business aspect involving a company – the proxy form is specific to an issue and just one meeting of the board, not good for the 11 months, which can cause the wishes and whims of proxy voting. How do you monitor the policies and procedures if you can use the proxy? They should be notarized. Democracy is pure if everyone can vote, and have someone vote for you; this discussion needs to go on. A proxy can go to another member not a director. The secretary has to be able to keep track of the proxies and where they are given and to whom.

Armon: we need to update all the bylaws not just the issue of proxies. That’s why you have policy and procedure. To prevent manipulation in someone’s favor. Off islanders paid up have the same rights as anyone living here yet I’m being excluded.

A member said: Proxy voting only comes up twice a year. Why not send out a ballot.

Another member said: what about those who want to participate but can’t – what is so important at monthly meetings. They have twice a year and they could vote by ballot.

Dr. Arthurs: big issues voting on budget and election of board members are by ballots. Any other kinds of issues that come to the floor are engaged and that needs to be addressed.

Dennis McCartin: Stated that paving of 37th has been approved several times, but the problem with having a volunteer board, and no one to track and make sure things are done, is a challenge.

Dr. Arthurs: we need to have the board members properly inducted when the change of board members occurs. History and continuity are needed.

2. The number of positions for directors was discussed and the bylaws committee is going to continue working on that to present not having too few or too many members on the board. If it’s too big it’s unwieldy, if it’s too small, that’s a lot of power for only a couple people. It makes it harder for those volunteering. Discussion continued. Ariel Murphy moved to approve the bylaws committee report by Armon Collman. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 2-21-17

Lot Develop Committee – tabled due to Representative absence. Community Liaison Committee – tabled due to Representative absence. Orchidland Neighbors – tabled due to Representative absence.

Neighborhood Watch - Dennis McCartin - They meet at Blane’s on the second Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. They try to get their community-policing officer there to get the latest crime statistics. Orchidland has one of the lowest problem area. Call the police and file a report if something is stolen because we need to make sure there’s proper follow-up afterward. The 37th and 39th streets are hardest hit by crimes. Lock your cars because in some communities they ram the gate and take the car. The community is encouraged to attend the Neighborhood watch meeting. Neighborhood watch program makes criminals tend to go somewhere else. They are meeting with HPP’s Neighborhood watch to see how they set up their patrols. Most crime happens in the day, not night, so we’ll be looking for volunteers and the neighborhood watch will be having their own website soon. 39th and Auli’i has a pair of squatters living on the ground on a lot. The police will not remove squatters if you’re not the owner calling them. The process is to identify the owner = a lot of squatter properties are in foreclosure, then find the bank and whether they have an attorney to represent that property and they can file a police report to move forward with evicting them. If you have a power of attorney for an absentee owner.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried. Report accepted.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan – Dennis McCartin –

They came up with a proposal and the draft had some recommended changes in 2014. After the Board membership fiasco, the proposals didn’t get accepted back then. The CERT was approved October 2014. Each CERT team has to put together a plan. He made a 30-page document with mission statement, demographics. Main issue is preparedness and getting residents to put together their own evacuation and emergency plan as well. They have to have a go-back if they have to evacuate. Not all shelters are pet friendly, so having transport ready and food needed. Special needs people need to be noted. Unaccompanied minors need two escorts in the shelters; there are rules in the shelters. At the stream that cuts across 40th, the county used to put up barricades when it flooded but they don’t anymore because it’s a private subdivision and so for the past three years and Hurricane Madeline, there were no barricades or signs. On 40th before the others paved it, the water would get up 12-13 inches deep, but since paving “Stoner Lake” it’s now more than a foot deep.

Civil Defense goal for next three years for the 100 communities is to have at least 25 of those to have emergency plans, right now only 4 communities have plans. CERT needs the community’s backing. A Committee needs to be formed. Training starts Saturday and there will be another one in the Fall. The Plan will be shared with the rest of the community.
Sally Waitt moved to accept the CERT report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business - None IX. New Business

  1. Call for motion to suspend posting OLCA minutes on website - people are concerned about Lyons group looking at them and using them against us in litigation. The lawyer consulted stated there is nothing that states they must be posted. Sally Waitt moved to suspend the minutes on the website. David Marquis seconded the motion. Discussion: A large discussion occurred that they don’t want to do anything that isn’t fully transparent, so although the other group may be looking at everything, there is nothing to hide and the President, Dr. Arthurs stated that they don’t want to keep secrets and everything needs to be in the open. Vote: Yes-0, No- 4, Abstain-1 (Sally Waitt). Motion did not carry. The minutes will continue to be posted.

  2. Set date for April General Membership meeting – Only available date for the General Membership meeting is Saturday, April 15 and we must be out by 5 p.m. April 15 is third Saturday of the month. The President reported that she has two other meetings that day until 2 p.m., so the Vice President will call meeting to order if the


OLCA BOD MTG 2-21-17

President cant arrive in time for the opening, she will get here as soon as she can. Meeting will start at 2 p.m. and go until 4:30 p.m.

c. March Newsletter production calendar (to include 2017-2018 BOD candidates’ statement and ballot) – we need to have the newsletter out 30 days before. They discussed having a session to start piecing together the newsletter. Depositions are the first and second week of March. Newsletter to be mailed out by March 15.

X. Announcements: None

XI. Adjournment:

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG –2-21-17

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 2-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

The OLCA 1-17-17 BOD Meeting minutes were approved as presented.
Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5 Unanimous.

Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Vice President’s report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the bylaws committee report by Armon Collman. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried. Report accepted.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the CERT report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to suspend the minutes on the website. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-0, No- 4, Abstain-1 (Sally Waitt). Motion did not carry. The minutes will continue to be posted.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.


  • OLCA BOD MTG 11-15-16

    Can Orchidland Neighbors use the lot? Yes, so will the food basket program will go there. People in community

    could clear, but the space is plotted very tight to accommodate the building, containers, game space, a field, and

    a small space for a Keiki park and BBQ area, so fitting in food gardens would be difficult to add on to that lot. The

    Food Basket program is growing a lot.

    B. Neighborhood Watch - No report this month.

    C. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) – No report this month.

    IX. New Business

    1. Ariel Murphy nominated Armon Collman to the board. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Discussion: Mr.

    Collman accepted the nomination because he wants to help this Community. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1

    (Armon Collman). Motion carried.

    Armon Collman and Mark Willman (due to his absence at previous meetings) were given the OLCA Oath

    of Office.

    2. Upcoming General Membership Meeting: A discussion about how to accommodate the General

    Membership when they want to speak out at the upcoming General Membership Meeting was discussed.

    According to (2B), which says the General Members at board meetings do not vote except when vacancies are

    filled. General members do get to vote whenever a board position is filled.

    Reminder: When you want to speak as a board member, try to be recognized by the chair before speaking.

    Tables will be positioned so they can see each other.

    3. Motion to support receivership – Dave Marquis moved that the Board support receivership of OLCA.

    Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Discussion: Armon Collman wanted to amend to continue to support.

    Ralph Boyea offered that when he was on the board, they were trying to get sufficient funds to work on the roads

    – the membership voted to send out the request of those funds from the lot owners and if the funds were not

    approved they would move forward with receivership. The membership didn’t select that option. The majority of

    Board voted against it, but it was put on hold. A petition was done before Orchidland Voice was established. It

    was put on hold.

    We support the previous Member and Board member petition, as well as, support the already passed vote

    to go into receivership. This motion died to be restated as follows:

    David Marquis moved to take action in support of receivership as already approved by the membership

    and previous board. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Discussion: that vote and approval occurred in

    Spring of 2013, but research will be done confirm date of said decision and petition. Vote: Yes-6. Unanimous.

    Motion carried.

    Voting in regards to General Membership Meeting this Saturday. Some people won’t be able to vote if they

    haven’t paid their MRMA road fees. Would the board consider something that said I want to vote, but I haven’t

    paid because of the malfeasance concerns.

    Discussion: Armon Collman stated that he deposited his payment. And he gave them some right by paying that –

    he did so with the intent that the rogue board would pay it back. Malfeasance creates a broken contract so legally

  • OLCA%BOD%MTG%11,15,16%



    they are not required to pay it. The Board members paid the MRMA, but suggested the community had the choice

    to pay. We are operating in lieu of the null void contract and recognizing the broken contract we will vote.

    Mark moved that in light of the malfeasance that has occurred with the contract between OLCA as a 501c4

    and the state of Hawaii, the MRMA payment provisions are null until the legal status of OLCA is restored.

    Until the Board regains control over their financial accounts all voting done with promise to pay upon

    resolution of this matter will therefore be assumed valid. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Discussion:

    In the near future and along with this we need to set up a committee to deal with how to deal with payments. We

    lost $100 per household for the roads last year and if court doesn’t convene this year, we miss another cycle of

    collecting for the roads, so we need to figure out how to recoup that. This motion is to facilitate voting on Saturday.

    Vote: Yes-6. Unanimous. Motion carried.

    A discussion occurred about the illegal contracting and formation of an illegitimate board, illegal use of money

    earmarked for other legal purposes as well as the need to talk to our county council and Representatives to meet

    privately, and then send a letter to the Attorney General’s office stating in short that this is a public benefit

    organization and it has a place in the Hawaiian corporation non profit act, which says that the Attorney General

    can intervene directly – we have malfeasance and therefore we request receivership.

    Mark moved to approach the Attorney General with the further examples of malfeasance along with

    stronger support of local political representatives to beseech the Attorney General to grant OLCA

    receivership. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Discussion: This must be done due to the urgency of the

    community need, which cannot sustain another year delay in road maintenance. The roads are in disrepair and

    another year of delay will be dangerous and debilitating to the safety of the entire community. Vote: Yes-6.

    Unanimous. Motion carried.

    X. Announcements:

    A. Semi-Annual General Membership Meeting on November 19, 2016 at Eagles Lodge, 2 – 4:30 p.m. with

    check-in starting at 2:00 p.m. The Proposed agenda in newsletter discussed was discussed.

    XI. Adjournment – David Marquis moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote:

    Yes-6. Unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

    Submitted by: Submitted by:

    _____________________________ ______________________________

    Sally Waitt Susan Bambara

    Secretary Recording Secretary

    BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG –11-15-16

    David Marquis moved to approve the 11-15-16 agenda as amended. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion.

    Vote: Yes-6. Unanimous. Motion carried.



RMC Report 4/19/2016


Paving Plan - The OLCA Paving Plan was reviewed. This plan has been in place since for 16 years. The order of paving of OLCA roads is clearly stated. The RMC is committed to following the paving plan.


  • Pavement of 40th Ave in front of Donald Stoner’s house - The section of 40th in question, in front of Stoner’s house, is not included in the paving plan at all, due to flooding issues and the need to get appropriate Governmental authorization to deal with the intermittent river that flows thru that area. 

  • Stop signs and other road projects - The OLCA RMC will be working to establish priorities for road work. One of the highest priorities continues to be the installation of stop signs at all intersecting roads.

  • RMC Funding - It appears that the OLCA Board will not be able to access funds or membership information until the Court decides on who is officially in charge of the affairs of OLCA. The next hearing on the Civil Suit is scheduled for May 10 at 8 p.m. at the courthouse.






  1. Call to Order: President Dr. Barbara Arthurs called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles Lodge.

  2. Roll Call: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariel Murphy/Vice President, Sally Waitt/Secretary, Sharon Landry/Treasurer, David Marquis/Road Chair, Mark Willman, Armon Collman

    Members Present: A.M. Warden, Sharon McCartin, Dennis McCartin, Orchidland Neighbors – Virginia Aste, Armon Collman, Dwayne Dexter, Stephen Kling, Bob Arthurs, Gaila Vidunas, David Hahn, Merlinda Foreman, Geoff Shaw, Myron Akana, Richard Greever, David Aasve, Ralph Boyea, Dale Dinsmore, Sherri Carden

  3. Approval of Agenda: Ralph Boyea moved to approve the agenda. Richard Greever seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-28, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.

  4. Approval of Minutes: Dr. Barbara Arthurs called for approval of the April 23, 2016 General Membership meeting minutes as corrected for typos. None opposed. Minutes were approved as corrected.

  5. Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:

  1. 1)  Sign-In – Accepted in good faith that the members paid. Second sheet was for a promise

    to pay after court settlement. If you pay, your money goes into CU Hawaii general account, to which we do not have access. The other group has access to that account; so people are hesitant to pay. This must be settled in Court.

  2. 2)  Survey Results – Results are attached to these minutes. Results presented according to respondent being resident lot owner or non-resident lot owner. Most respondents want proxy voting, but with clear policies and procedures to prevent abuse of proxy voting. The issue is how to insure that the vote is being cast on their behalf and not according to the person carrying the proxy vote. Respondents want roads done first, then a community center for activities listed in the survey. Regarding side roads, respondents want side roads paved after main access roads are completed. Most respondents did not need a food distribution program. (Almost 200 people have registered for Orchidland Neighborhoods Food Basket program. They include tenants and residents of other neighboring subdivisions.)

  3. 3)  Connectivity between subdivisions – The County is looking at connectivity between the subdivisions for an alternate route especially for emergency. The County should assist with maintaining the private roads used for connectivity.

  4. 4)  Response to OLCA Board letter to Steve Lyon – The certified mail was received, but there has been no response. We asked the other group, who are not the official OLCA Board, to return the following items requested:


- key to padlock for the chain at the OLCA community lot
- key to the container on the lot
- key to Stor-Quest where OLCA records are stored
- relinquish signing authority for OLCA financial accounts
- engineering plans for paving done on 40th and Pohaku Dr. (Section on 40th was to

include small pipes for culverts and 6 inches of concrete. This was not done.)
- invoices and purchase orders for each expenditure
- OLCA Kubota tractor [Sharon McCartin mentioned that they approved $1000 to fix the

tractor for it to then be auctioned.

Virginia Aste moved that the OLCA Board pursue theft of the Kubota tractor from the lot and make a stolen property report to the police. Gaila Vidunas seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-29, No-0, Abstain-1 (Ralph Boyea)

5) Court Case – Trial is scheduled for October 2017. The other group has control over OLCA finances and the OLCA website. They have contracted with unlicensed contractors to do roadwork. The chip seal resurfacing done is unsatisfactory. They have not produced full financial reports. As the Plaintiff in this derivative case, I am representing the lot owners of Orchidland Estates.

Discussion: Face Book Imua Orchidland has information about HPP road fees before, during, and after their receivership. Fees did not rise beyond 10% during their receivership. The other group has put out misinformation about receivership, which is damaging and untrue. Dennis McCartin stated that a few years ago they tried to raise the road fees to $185/year. It cost $162/year just to maintain the roads. Incorrect billing of “mandatory” paving assessment when it was supposed to be voluntary was discussed. Sherri Carden reported he filed a report with NCUA regarding CU Hawaii continuing to give access to OLCA accounts to those no longer on the official OLCA Board. Mark Willman stated that due to the one-year delay with the court case, he proposed the Board write to the Attorney General and possibly local politicians to coax the Court into action. Get EMT and Fire Department to say they can’t get to emergency cases quickly because the roads are not fixed. Bob Arthurs suggested filing police report regarding unaccounted withdrawals of OLCA funds by the other group.

  1. Vice-President’s Report:

    We now have an incoming County Council member who is receptive to the subdivisions’ trouble with the roads. If you want to get together and get touch with her, we need to discuss the disconnect between State laws and the County. What’s the point of laws if they aren’t going to pursue punishment for breaking them?

  2. Treasurer’s Report:

    We got the new tarp back from the previous President, but it was damaged and needs to be replaced. Contributions to help with mailing newsletters would be appreciated.

6. Committee Reports:

A. Road Maintenance Committee – Road Chair, David Marquis: No money to do work. Stop signs have been installed incorrectly and are a problem. Instead of completing the paving on Ilima as decided by arbitration, the other group paved 40th and Pohaku Dr.


  1. Bylaws Committee – New Chair is Armon Collman. They are asking for volunteers. The Bylaws need to be looked at and strengthened. If we go into receivership, there will be time to review the Bylaws. But we will start to review the Bylaws now to prepare to make them better.

  2. Community Lot Committee – The Chair cannot get onto the lot.

  3. County Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste reported that the connectivity points (all 14) are in the budget for $14 million. Another $15 million federal money might be available and will lapse if there is no idea how to use it. Ruderman and San Buenaventura need ideas and are asking questions.

  1. Other Reports:

    1. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin, Coordinator. They have been meeting the 3rd Thursday, but will not meet the 2nd Thursday of to month. Community Police Officer comes to the meetings or gives a report about thefts in the area. Because they cannot meet at the Community lot, they meet at Blane’s from 6 pm to 7 pm. Call (808) 430-5048 if you see suspicious activity. Look out for each other. Participate in organized efforts.

    2. Community Emergency Response Team – Dennis McCartin. CERT has been on the Big Island since 2008. There are 23 teams island wide. It is designed to fill the gap after a major emergency to help the community with first aid, fire suppression, light search and rescue, triage. The next program of four classes start February 25 at the Aupuni Conference Center. You will learn enough to help save a life. CPR and AV training is available. Keep a first aid kit in your home, car, and at work. Make sure you have enough food and water for about three weeks. There are almost 20 people on our team now. Most CERT volunteers become amateur radio operators.

    3. Orchidland Neighbors – They will be having a holiday pupu potluck on December 30 from 4 to 7 pm to meet and mingle and have some fun as a community. Orchidland Neighbors has a really nice fundraiser coming up in February.

  2. General Members Questions/Concerns/Issues for BOD Action

    • -  Board meets every third Tuesday of each month at the Eagles Lodge at 6:30 pm.

    • -  David Farmer, Attorney for Orchidland Voice, was introduced.

    • -  Ralph Boyea announced and reminded that this lawsuit over control of OLCA and

      receivership has largely come out of Mr. and Dr. Arthurs personal pocket; so any help or donation their way would be appreciated for their efforts to ensure that the Association runs well and transparently for the entire community and not just for a few misguided individuals who refuse to either work with the Board or relinquish their hold on the funds that belong to this entire community.

  3. Adjournment:

    Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- Unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Submitted by:

_______________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

_______________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary



Ralph Boyea moved to approve the agenda. Richard Greever seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-28, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.

President Barbara Arthurs called for approval of the April 23, 2016 General Membership meeting minutes as corrected for typos. None opposed. Minutes approved as corrected.

Virginia Aste moved that the OLCA Board pursue theft of the Kubota tractor from the lot and make a stolen property report to the police. Gaila Vidunas seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-29, No-0, Abstain-1 (Ralph Boyea).

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- Unnanimous. Motion carried.

Bylaws Committee – New Chair is Armon Collman. They are asking for volunteers. The Bylaws need to be looked at and strengthened. If we go into receivership, there will be time to review the Bylaws. But we will start to review the Bylaws now to prepare to make them better.

  1. Community Lot Committee – The Chair cannot get onto the lot.

  2. County Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste reported that the connectivity points (all 14) are in the budget for $14 million. Another $15 million federal money might be available and will lapse if there is no idea how to use it. Ruderman and San Buenaventura need ideas and are asking questions.

  1. Other Reports:

    1. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin, Coordinator. They have been meeting the 3rd Thursday, but will not meet the 2nd Thursday of to month. Community Police Officer comes to the meetings or gives a report about thefts in the area. Because they cannot meet at the Community lot, they meet at Blane’s from 6 pm to 7 pm. Call (808) 430-5048 if you see suspicious activity. Look out for each other. Participate in organized efforts.

    2. Community Emergency Response Team – Dennis McCartin. CERT has been on the Big Island since 2008. There are 23 teams island wide. It is designed to fill the gap after a major emergency to help the community with first aid, fire suppression, light search and rescue, triage. The next program of four classes start February 25 at the Aupuni Conference Center. You will learn enough to help save a life. CPR and AV training is available. Keep a first aid kit in your home, car, and at work. Make sure you have enough food and water for about three weeks. There are almost 20 people on our team now. Most CERT volunteers become amateur radio operators.

    3. Orchidland Neighbors – They will be having a holiday pupu potluck on December 30 from 4 to 7 pm to meet and mingle and have some fun as a community. Orchidland Neighbors has a really nice fundraiser coming up in February.

  2. General Members Questions/Concerns/Issues for BOD Action

    • -  Board meets every third Tuesday of each month at the Eagles Lodge at 6:30 pm.

    • -  David Farmer, Attorney for Orchidland Voice, was introduced.

    • -  Ralph Boyea announced and reminded that this lawsuit over control of OLCA and

      receivership has largely come out of Mr. and Dr. Arthurs personal pocket; so any help or donation their way would be appreciated for their efforts to ensure that the Association runs well and transparently for the entire community and not just for a few misguided individuals who refuse to either work with the Board or relinquish their hold on the funds that belong to this entire community.

  3. Adjournment:

    Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- Unanimous. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Submitted by:

_______________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

_______________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary



Ralph Boyea moved to approve the agenda. Richard Greever seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-28, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.

President Barbara Arthurs called for approval of the April 23, 2016 General Membership meeting minutes as corrected for typos. None opposed. Minutes approved as corrected.

Virginia Aste moved that the OLCA Board pursue theft of the Kubota tractor from the lot and make a stolen property report to the police. Gaila Vidunas seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-29, No-0, Abstain-1 (Ralph Boyea).

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- Unnanimous. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17


March 21, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Virginia Aste joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President (arrived at 6:38 after Agenda was approved), David Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Virginia Aste/Pro Tempore, Sally Waitt/Secretary, Sharon Landry/Treasurer, Mark Willman (On Phone Conference Call for part of meeting due to being off-island)

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Robert Arthurs, Art Smith, Mike Moreno, Virginia Aste, Ralph Boyea, Sharon McCartin

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 3-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 2-21-17 meeting minutes as revised and circulated. Virginia Aste seconded the motion Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officer’s Reports:
A. President - Dr. Barbara Arthurs

1. Dr. Arthurs thanked the Board for the email votes to support CERT efforts and the OLCA Emergency plan. 2. March Newsletter – Mahalo to all who volunteered to get them prepared and out per the deadline.

3. Responses from Representatives Ruderman, San Buenaventura, O’hara, and Ruggles were included in the newsletter. O’hara was the first to respond to OLCA’s request, but she stated that because she was not in our district area she respectfully declined the offer to give a statement. Senator Ruderman responded that he will be off island for our General Membership meeting.

4. Litigation Status – more depositions to occur at the end of this month and then a conference amongst attorneys in April. If not settled, at that conference, then it’ll go to a trial, hopefully, by Judge because Jury would be costly and more time consuming. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sharon Landry seconded Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

B. Vice President Report – Ariel Murphy - no report this month C. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt - no report this month

D. Treasurer Report – Sharon Landry – Reported that the former president, Ricky Turner, has not yet paid his bill for the tarp. It was reported he had an unexpected medical issue, but told the present president that check is in the mail. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Treasurer report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain- 1(Sharon Landry) motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

E. Road Chair (Road Committee) – There’s a sign erected that says, “slow the “F” down” where the “speed dip” is on Auli’I at that accident site – A bulldozer fell in it in ’08. It’s a collapsed lava tube and very dangerous. There was a painted sign directly on the road after the terrible accident where kids were killed after they went airborne at the dip and flipped. The President Barbara Arthurs said to ask the other group why they haven’t done some sort of engineering report to see the condition of that empty hole under that drop-off.

Armon Collman: Stated that the Board needs to address this to the Judge because the others are spending our money with no authority and there are safety issues out here that are putting people’s lives in peril, so the Judge really needs to make a decision. A huge pothole on 36th was reported.

Dennis McCartin (former road chair) noted that the previous Board had put $15,000 aside in an emergency account to take care of emergency collapses, but it is unknown if that money is still there.

A discussion ensued about the irresponsible inefficient use of the money the others have taken and how badly and dangerous the roads are becoming. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote:Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(David Marquis). Motion carried.

VII. Committee Reports:
A. Road Committee – see discussion above.

B. Bylaws committee plans to meet next Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Virginia Aste moved to accept the report from the bylaws committee. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

C. Lot Development Committee – no report this month.

D. Community Liaison Committee – please get on all the representative’s mailing lists to keep up on what bills are up and how they’re working. David Marquis moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

E. Other Reports:

1. Orchidland Neighbors – We’re almost done with our feasibility study. The last one went out in the newsletter. Please get them back to us as soon as possible. We will start interviewing contractors and trying for a couple grants to build the community center.

Food Basket: They have successfully negotiated with the Mormon Church so it can be done there. It’s a good thing. The last Wednesday of every month. Right now people from District 4 and 5 come, with the majority from Orchidland.

The Orchidland Neighbors –The annual meeting will be at the Eagles Lodge on April 4th from 6pm to 8pm. Please come!

Virginia Aste move to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry), Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin - They meet at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. The Community Police Officer has been in attendance for the last three months. Last month’s was rescheduled due to weather and we’re looking at starting a patrol team. At the Puna Watch meeting they had the Vice Team there and they reported that they are hampered because they need a confidential informant to go in and see the drugs to even get a warrant. If you suspect a drug house. Call the Hawaii Police Vice Department at the direct number: 808. 934-8423.

Ariel Murphy: Please email the info and all your announcements, so they can be put on the IMUA Orchidland FB page.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept to the Neighborhood Watch report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.



OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

CERT – Dennis McCartin - They are hoping to form a planning committee. Leilani Subdivision has a plan that is well written, so we will probably use a lot of that as a template for ours. The Civil defense hopes to double the CERT teams in the subdivisions from 25 to 50 in this area. We have between 18 to 20 on our team and some live in Ainaloa because they don’t yet have the leadership to start their own teams.

Armon Collman stated that it’s a great program to go through to learn safety measures for your family, but noted there’s next to nothing for finances and support for CERT in the community when particularly our new national leader wants to spend gobs for military, so coming from his career from the city of Portland and his experience of emergency management, he’s appalled at what little amount the County is able to give for the Community. Everyone needs to take this program.

Armon Collman moved to accept the CERT committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business:
At 7:00 p.m – Director Mark Willman was brought on to the meeting via phone conferencing.

A. Mark’s Letter to Attorney General. Two proposed letters were distributed. One from Mark Willman and also a letter from Ralph Boyea was distributed to the Board as well. A discussion occurred about the two letters and which one to use or compress together into one. The most important element is that there is a real and present danger on the roads, and proper maintenance has not occurred. Accidents and a fatality have occurred. Ariel Murphy moved to proceed with the letter as discussed. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Discussion: Additional signature page from the community will be added and sent before the General Membership meeting in order to report it to the community to let them know that although we don’t have the money we are trying to get the roads fixed. The Attorney General needs to know the info about the fatality that has occurred. Vote: Yes-7 (Mark Willman voted), No-0, Abstain-0, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel moved that the letter come from Ralph Boyea and Mark Willman on behalf of OLCA. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Mark hung up/left the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

IX. New Business:

A. Proposed Agenda for General Membership Meeting – distributed for discussion of it and if there were any revisions. Ariel Murphy will assign time designations so the meeting is over by 4:30. They need help registering people as they come in. They will assign a timekeeper and ask if Sherri Carden will do that. A Greeter of Special Guests will be Ariel Murphy.

X. Announcements:

A. General Membership meeting: April 15, 2017 from 2-4:30pm at the Eagles Lodge. Long discussion about how to qualify the members for voting at the General Membership meeting.
B. Security Camera Vendor – A gentleman will be coming to set up a table at the General Membership meeting to show some security camera setups that he has available.

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara


OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

Secretary Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG –3-21-17

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 3-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 2-21-17 meeting minutes as revised and circulated. Virginia Aste seconded the motion Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sharon Landry seconded Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Treasurer report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry) motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote:Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(David Marquis). Motion carried.

Virginia Aste moved to accept the report from the bylaws committee. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Virginia Aste move to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry), Unanimous. Motion carried.

Armon Collman moved to accept the CERT committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to proceed with the letter as discussed. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7 (Mark Willman voted), No-0, Abstain-0, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel moved that the letter come from Ralph Boyea and Mark Willman on behalf of OLCA. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept to the Neighborhood Watch report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 4-18-17


April 18, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Virginia Aste joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, David Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Mark Willman, Virginia Aste/Pro Tempore, Bob Arthurs/Pro Tempore (only for first seven minutes of meeting until Mark Willman arrived). Absent: Sally Waitt/Secretary, Sharon Landry/Treasurer

OLCA Members: Ralph Boyea, Sharon McCartin, Dennis McCartin, Virginia Aste, Bob Arthurs

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 4-18-17. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes: Tabled for next month

VI. Officer’s Reports:

President - Dr. Barbara Arthurs – she received a call from one of the lot owners, named Barbara, said she didn’t vote for her and wanted to know why Dr. Arthurs was president, so Barb responded and offered to mail more info, but the woman refused to identify herself further. Dr. Arthurs asked that the Webmaster, Sherri Carden be notified to post Dr. Arthurs’ response to Wirick’s Newsletter against Dr. Arthurs. Ariel Murphy was also asked to post Dr. Arthurs’ response to Wirick’s Newsletter on the IMUA Orchidland FB page. She noted that even a realty company called her and reported that people are calling the real estate office to find out what’s going on in Orchidland.

At this point, someone in the meeting noted that the unfounded, untrue trashing of the former Vice Chancellor of UH, Dr. Arthurs in Mr. Wirick’s so called newsletter. It was noted that Dr. Arthurs is a decades long resident of Orchidland, as well as a long time volunteer to this community. It was noted that Mr. Wirick’s claims have sparked people’s curiosity due to the unhinged nature of that document put out by those people, so it is hoped that more of the community will come out to the meetings to find out exactly what’s happened.

Mark Willman arrived at 7:07pm. -- Bob Arthurs stepped down as Pro tempore and Mark Willman took his seat on the meeting.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Discussion: Ariel Murphy will upload Barbara Arthurs’ response to spurious Wirick newsletter in the IMUA Orchidland FB as well as distribute her response to it at Wirick’s meeting. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

B. Vice President Report – Ariel Murphy – nothing to report this month. C. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt (in absentia)- no report this month.
D. Treasurer Report – Sharon Landry (in absentia) – no report/no funds.


OLCA BOD MTG 4-18-17

E. Road Chair Report – Auli’I is now a moonscape and whatever was put on it about six month’s ago by the others is debilitated already. Next big rains will probably begin to tear away 40th where they were supposed to put six inches of concrete and rebar, along with drains, all of which were also not done. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Road Chair Committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

VII. Committee Reports:
A. Road Committee – see above Road Chair Report

B. Bylaws Committee - Armon Collman distributed a report and layout with proposals that the committee worked on regarding proxies and the number of directors required for a Board meeting. After meeting, they realized they needed to change the Board of Directors structure because quorum is based on half the number of Board of Directors, so you’d still need 6 directors for quorum so they had to change the number of directors in order to change the number for quorum. At that meeting, the idea of specified numbers for recall petitions changed. A large discussion ensued.

The first reading at the General membership meeting was done and approved. The next Board meeting in May will be the second reading. If it passes at the Special General Membership, then it would go out as a vote by ballot to the entire community. Further discussion ensued.

Armon Collman moved to table the discussion on the fourth change suggested for the bylaws. Virginia Aste seconded motion. Discussion: Mark Willman wanted to settle it now, but it was not read at the last General Membership meeting, so it was decided after a very long discussion to send it back to Committee to make sure it’s all fair and correct, as well as on a firm foundation and ready for the next reading at the May BOD meeting. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Bylaws Committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

C. Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – Those holding the key to the lot have now planted 9 fruit trees and put down two loads of base course. They also now have put up two 20x40 canopies. Discussion about why we haven’t tried to get an injunction to keep them off the lot because it is so unfair that they prevent it from being used except for their own devices including the mysteriously funded “FREE” Pancake Breakfast. It’s a shame we don’t have access to our lot, but they do. They are also preventing the lot from being developed with the community center that the real Board and a Non-profit are now attempting to do on another piece of land, since they cannot access the community lot that Dr. Arthurs helped spearhead purchasing for the community back in 2000. This Lot Development Committee has already united to purchase another piece of land for what should be being built on the Community Lot. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Lot Development Committee Report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried. Dr. Barbara Arthurs stated that it is best to continue to keep helping the community as best they can, holding patience and trust in order to allow the Court system of Justice to work. A member stated that May 16, 2017 at 8:30 will be the next Court proceedings and the community is encouraged to please attend. This is the best way to hear what’s happening next.

D. Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste -- Please send your letters to Mayor Kim asking him to restore the contingency fund to our councilmember’s because it allows them to help the community directly. We will be getting $3,500 from Jen Ruggles as the last permitted use of contingency funding and this will be used to put up the Farmer’s Market for the Community on the Lot Orchidland Neighbors raised funds to purchase for the community because the community was barred from Community Lot except for the Seed Exchange and the so-called, “FREE” Pancake Breakfast put on by those refusing to return the lot gate keys and access to the original Community Lot on Orchidland Drive. Please write or call the Mayor’s office and ask him to put the contingency fund back in BILL 11.

Mark Willman moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 4-18-17

E. Other Reports:
1. Orchidland Neighbors – They received a $2500 donation from the Eastern Star organization of which $850 will go to

the food basket to increase the amount of food that they buy and will probably result in a jump of 25 families.

The rest of the money will go toward the Planned New Community Lot that Orchidland Neighbors purchased for the community because they couldn’t get access to the original Community Lot in order to put their fundraising efforts toward building a community center there. They are moving forward on this new lot with creating the Farmer’s Market space first and the plot plan needs to be finished including placing the containers on a foundation to start that Farmer’s Market. The long-range plan is a pavilion about the size of Ainaloa Longhouse. Ms. Aste gave thanks to Dr. Barbara Arthurs for recommending Orchidland Neighbors to the Eastern Star Organization for the contribution that will be going directly into our Orchidland Community.

Ariel Murphy noted that all on the Board and the other Community Volunteers including those from Orchidland Neighbors and Friend’s of Orchidland have all been helping the community, even without any money! Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbor’s report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin - They meet at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. By June the Neighborhood Watch will begin patrolling the streets of OLCA. Virginia Aste moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch Report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

3. CERT – Dennis McCartin – Sunday at 12:30, there will be a tabletop exercise to focus on setting up their structure and practicing radio communication. We are trying to get together a planning committee to make an Orchidland Emergency plan. Leilani’s Community Plan is excellent and a perfect model for our community. The county civil defense wants 25 communities to have plans and right now there’s only 3 or 4 who do. This is what the Association should be having outside of CERT – it has one and they can help to develop it, but we need a community plan and people from the community to participate. This is a community thing and the association is part of the community. The association has to buy off on it first. People are needed to be involved in the planning including directors from the association. Mark Willman moved to accept the CERT report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business: Ariel Murphy read the letter composed and sent to the Attorney General requesting Receivership for Orchidland due to the unsafe roads and the roads not being maintained by those who absconded with the funds.

IX. New Business: None

X. Announcements:

Next BOD meeting scheduled for May 16, 2017 will be short to be followed by Special General Membership meeting to vote on proposed Bylaws amendments

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. David Marquis seconded the motion. No objections Motion carried. Meeting

adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary


OLCA BOD MTG 4-18-17

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG –4-18-17

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 4-18-17. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Road Chair Committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Armon Collman moved to table the discussion on the fourth change suggested for the bylaws. Virginia Aste seconded motion. Vote: Yes-5 unanimous motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the bylaws committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Lot Development Committee Report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Mark Willman moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbor’s report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Virginia Aste moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch Report. Mark Willman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Mark Willman moved to accept the CERT report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. David Marquis seconded the motion. No objections Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17


May 16, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Virginia Aste joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.
II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sally Waitt/Secretary, David

Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Virginia Aste/Pro Tempore, Absent: Mark Willman, Sharon Landry/Treasurer

OLCA Members: Marti Morishige, Sherri Carden, Arthur Smith, Nancy Hammock, Mike Moreno, Ralph Boyea, Virginia Aste

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 5-16-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

David Marquis moved to approve the March 21, 2017 BOD meeting minutes as presented, Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the April 18, 2017 BOD meeting minutes. Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officer’s Reports:
President report – Barbara Arthurs

1) Orchidland Voice was to have their receivership hearing today, but it was postponed to June 16, 10:30am due Wirick having yet another new attorney who asked for yet more time to review the case.

2) Thanks to the Eagles President and Secretary, the Ballots have been counted and the results are in. There were 45 ballots actually counted of those received. Some ballots were not counted due to either having no label or having nothing circled. Marti Morishige, Ariel Murphy and Mark Willman were each elected for one year on the Board.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy - No report this month.
Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry (in absentia) – No report
Road Chair Report – David Marquis - No report, but a community member brought in a chunk of road caused by a D9 that almost tipped over and ended up ripping up her road in the process.
Bylaws Committee Report – Armon Collman – They were working on a fourth amendment to the bylaws, but want to make sure that all are in agreement within the committee before they present their recommendations to the Board. Armon Collman noted that that the bylaws speak to the rights of the corporation, but he felt that there should be a section in there about the rights of the members. Rather than trying to piece meal the changes, a complete review of bylaws to make any changes congruent with the entire document was decided would be easier to do and then the changes will be presented to the


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

membership for approval. They’re still working on the fourth amendment and will continue that, but they will likely bring out more changes that they want to see in the bylaws. They are leaning toward creating a need to have a set percentage of membership to petition to remove a director yet keep nuisance removals to a minimum, but to also make it so community can do removals albeit with a bit of effort.

Policies and procedures are also needed to enforce the provisions of the bylaws.
Sally Waitt moved to accept the bylaws committee report and Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Armon Collman

gave a public thank you to Ariel Murphy and Ralph Boyea for opening their home for the bylaws committee to have their meetings, which he stated puts an emphasis on why we really need a community center. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Lot Development Committee – Sharon Landry – in absentia – The President, Barbara Arthurs, spoke noting that the lot that has been barred to the community by the other people was acquired back in 2000 when she was President of the Board, at that time, and yet she noted how unfortunate it is that there is still no facility for Orchidland. The group controlling the lot refused to let the Lot Development Committee follow through with the plans to build on the lot, and despite the other group supposedly having plans, there is no real action moving forward for the center to be built by that group. This is why Orchidland Neighbors came together and bought another lot to move forward and build a community center on it as soon as possible.

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – She asked everyone in the community to please write our representatives to petition for more police officers for the Puna area. Please write to the mayor and the council stating that the seven Puna officers are working at 1 1⁄2 capacity, they can’t possibly handle the number of complaints they get with only seven officers. Puna needs additional police officers because of growth in the area, the huge number of calls they get and the many changes in the area especially the drug and crime escalation.

Armon Collman moved to accept the Community Liaison Committee report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VII. Other Reports

1. Orchidland Neighbors – Virginia Aste – Regarding the upcoming food basket and its next distribution on May 31 (the last Wednesday of the month): They need a pickup or van to go Wednesday morning to Hilo and pick up the food by 9am, getting back by 11am. She said there will be plenty of help to load and unload, but they really need the vehicle with or without driver to borrow for that morning run on the day of the event.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- 5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Virginia Aste – We have a Neighborhood Watch started and you can sign up by district to drive it when you’re comfortable. You simply watch, take down license numbers or description of suspicious cars. The presence of the Watch being out and about really helps to move crime elsewhere. We have six drivers so far who have signed up. The hard work is beginning to pay off. They have heard from the community officer that the regulation of searches of homes and properties are so restricted and the prosecutor won’t do it unless someone goes in and actually makes an illegal buy, two or three times to document proof before the police will send in an officer, which is obviously not a viable solution. They will talk to the Prosecutor, Mitch Roth, and they are going to Volcano tomorrow night to organize up there. There is a club of kids called, “The 300 Club” who are apparently car jacking – they’re in Volcano. The Neighborhood Watch will be working on how to assist the police to get better evidence. Volunteers are encouraged and welcome. Someone reported that there are apparently some kids on 39th cooking meth because they had bad meth parents. There are only 7 police people in this entire district. We need more police presence. You can write to the Police Chief and ask why they don’t do patrols in private subdivisions. The Neighborhood Watch meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. 6 p.m.

Ariel Murphy wanted it noted that the Neighborhood Watch Meeting announcement is also updated and posted on the IMUA Orchidland Facebook page every month.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin – in absentia – no report today

VIII. Old Business
1. The Tabled Motion regarding number of signatures required on a petition for the removal of a director – see

above in Armon Collman’s bylaws report. The committee is still working on that.

IX. New Business - none
X. Announcements: Next Board of Directors Meeting will be June 20, 2017 and if the Bylaws Committee is ready with their

proposals to the Board, there will be a Special Membership Meeting Scheduled.

XI. Adjournment:
Virginia Aste moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous Motion

carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 5-16-17

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 5-16-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the March 21, 2017 BOD meeting minutes as presented, Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the April 18, 2017 BOD meeting minutes. Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the bylaws committee report and Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Armon Collman moved to accept the Community Liaison Committee report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Virginia Aste moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 6-20-17


June 20, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Quorum was established. The

meeting took place at the Eagles club. II. Roll call: Directors Present:

Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sally Waitt/Secretary, David Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Mark Willman (on phone), Absent: Sharon Landry/Treasurer

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Ralph Boyea, Sherri Carden

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 6-20-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Discussion: Added VP Report. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Sally Waitt moved to approve the 12-20-16 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 5-16-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officer’s Reports:

President report – Barbara Arthurs -- Reminded people that on Thursday, June 22 at 8:30am, she will be appearing as Plaintiff for Orchidland Voice in Court. She hoped that many in the community will attend. The motion for the Special Master will be handled, along with a motion to discover and a motion to compel the defendants to share the info they’ve been asked to share with the community for the past two years. Although they have been officially and legally removed from the Board by the membership after it has been proven that they have violated OLCA Bylaws, the defendants still refuse to vacate the Board and relinquish their hold on OLCA’s bank account. Obviously, they want to hold on to power no matter how they’ve illegally maneuvered to get it.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy – Reported that she testified, as an individual before County Council in protest of the Mayor’s proposal to increase Real Property taxes. She went on to state that she also supported Jen Ruggles’ proposal for an alternative real property tax rate would maintain the rates for homeowners owning one home or property, and the brunt of the increase would be on homeowners taking second homes or who have homes values from about $400,000 plus.

David Marquis moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 6-20-17

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry (in absentia) – No report this month. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt - No report this month.
Road Chair Report – David Marquis - No report this month.

Bylaws Committee Report – Armon Collman – no meeting last month, but the Committee will meet this month. Armon thanked Ralph Boyea for helping get more info on Joy San Buenaventura’s Bill to help homeowners in subdivisions, which will also serve to help the bylaws committee in their review of Orchidland’s bylaws. The changes the committee wanted to make are pending for further discussion. .

It was noted by a member that if the Court appoints a property manager for Orchidland then the Bylaws Committee could also work with that person and refine the Bylaws, especially in regards to proxy voting.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Bylaws Committee Report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – No report this month. Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – No report this month. VII. Other Reports

1. Orchidland Neighbors – Barbara Arthurs - They meet tomorrow with the general contractor to get pointers on how to move forward with building the community center on the property their non-profit bought to move forward on giving this to the community.

Sherri Carden reported that they are doing the food concession for the Eagles hosting of a popular band on Friday, June 30th at 6pm. They are putting on a Mexican Fiesta and running the kitchen to raise money for Orchidland Neighbors to move forward toward building the community center. $5 at the door – the band starts at 6pm with kitchen set up at 5pm. All kitchen proceeds will go to Orchidland Neighbors. They plan to do it every other month.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Dennis McCartin. They now have a mobile patrol with five volunteers, so far. The area of concern is still on 39th - between Orchidland drive and Laniuma. It’s a tough area for some reason with a lot of burglaries happening up there, so the community police officer has been doing more frequent patrols along with the Neighborhood Watch. They meet on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. 6pm. More people are encouraged to attend and volunteer. Website will hopefully be up soon.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin – They have their CERT meeting on the second Wednesday of the month. The Next CERT training will be the first Saturday of October and will run over four weekends at the Keaau community center (unless they’re still renovating there then the venue will be changed and all notified). They are focusing on doing “table-top” exercises and figuring out how to document everything and pin point what actions might be needed and taken in an emergency. They are sending out things to study ahead of the practices. Community emergency response draft plan is still lacking a bit compared to others. Civil defense is putting together a template for community emergency response plans to be easier to create for groups. They will then be looking to get experienced volunteers to comment and work on the plan. The 25,000 households in this community are encouraged by Civil Defense to put together their own Family Emergency Plans. The county has a black board to get notices of flooding or other emergencies can be sent directly to your cell phone, if you sign up for that notification service.


OLCA BOD MTG 6-20-17

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business - None IX. New Business -

1. Armon Collman submitted his resignation as interim board member, stating that per OLCA bylaws and the new Board coming on next month, he was required to step down. His letter was read into the record. He also resigned as the chair of the Bylaws committee, but would like to continue to serve on the committee as a member.

The Board acknowledged Armon Collman’s resignation as Interim Director as of the end of tonight, with the hope that he would still continue to be involved.

2. Ariel Murphy – Reported that there will be a public hearing on June 22, Thursday, at 5pm. People are encouraged to attend the county council meeting in Hilo or testify at any of the satellite offices including the one in Pahoa. It is a very important hearing about a proposal to raise the fuel tax over the next three years. She felt that it was also important for OLCA to take a position and protest because it’s a regressive tax wherein those who make more will not be hurt as much as those who make less so it will be penalizing the poorest people in our community. This desired increase of the fuel tax will not be for subdivision roads, so we won’t even enjoy the benefit of this taxation. People below the poverty line will be hit very hard. We, as OLCA can make representation and present to the country council. We can never use the tax to our benefit, so it’s completely a drain. You can participate on behalf of yourself and as a member in OLCA. If they raise the tax, the money only goes to the public roads and none will go to our private roads.

Puna has the greatest number of people living below the poverty line and have to travel farther for food and goods, so they will be the greatest affected by this gas tax.

Ariel Murphy moved for OLCA to protest the fuel tax increase. Sally Waitt seconded. Discussion: It will not benefit OLCA roads and the county is still refusing to use even the tiniest bit of finances toward help us with our roads.

David Marquis didn’t think that OLCA should have a position. Vote: Yes-2, No-1 (David Marquis), Abstain-2 (Mark Willman/Armon Collman). Motion did not carry.

Appointing officers of the new Board will need to be established for the next year, now that the vote has been taken. The three newly elected directors are Marty Morishige, Mark Willman, and Ariel Murphy. The carrying over Directors continuing to finish out their terms are David Marquis, Sally Waitt, Barbara Arthurs, and Sharon Landry.

A special meeting of the Board meeting will be called for the new Directors to take the oath of officers and for the Board to elect their officers before the end of the month. It will be open to the membership and announced in the paper.

She and the neighbor who saw the D9 fall over and hack up Laniuma road were able to get the name of the trucking company that broke up the road as reported by a community member last month. The member brought in big chunks of the road to show the Road Chair the extent of the damage done by this company’s machine. As soon as the Court cases makes a determination, OLCA will want to pursue having the trucking company pay for the damage their D9 did to the road.

X. Announcements:

1) Special Board of Directors Meeting to elect officers for the new Board term will be at the Eagles Club on Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 6:30 pm.

2) Next Board of Directors Meeting will take place at the Eagles club on July 18, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


OLCA BOD MTG 6-20-17

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion

carried. Meeting adjourned at 7: 38 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 6-20-17

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 6-20-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to approve the 12-20-16 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 5-16-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

David Marquis moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Bylaws Committee Report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved for OLCA to protest the fuel tax increase. Sally Waitt seconded. Vote: Yes-2, No-1 (David Marquis), Abstain-2 (Mark Willman/Armon Collman). Motion did not carry.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17


July 18, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Quorum was established. The meeting took place

at the Eagles club.
II. Roll call: Directors Present:

Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sharon Landry/Treasurer Sally Waitt/Secretary, David Marquis/Road Chair, Mark Willman (on phone), Absent: Marti Morishige

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Viriginia Aste, Armon Collman, Mike Moreno, Sherri Carden

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 7-18-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-20-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-29-17 BOD Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officers’ Reports:

President report – Barbara Arthurs – At the June 22 court hearing, the judge ruled to have a Special Master conduct an investigation of the case against Wirick et. al., as well as, to make recommendations including the possibility of receivership. Barbara said that since the rogues are not going to willingly step down, we need to see if the Court can do something to correct the situation. Barbara said that there seem to be a lot of irregularities when looking at the money dispersed by the Wirick people. She said that those transactions that were subpoenaed, when placed on a spreadsheet, were questionable. When the Rogues were asked about those transactions during the interrogatories, their reply was simply to brush off the questions by calling them irrelevant, so they have thus far avoided answering the questions.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy reported 1) that there has been a spike in people joining IMUA ORCHIDLAND and 2) Three houses were ripped off on 37th. Caution is to lock down your homes and valuables. The Neighborhood Watch report will have some more information.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry – No money so there’s nothing to report. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt - No report this month.
Road Chair Report – David Marquis - No report this month.
Bylaws Committee Report – No report this month.

The proposed changes did have their first reading at the last General Membership Meeting, and November is the next General Membership meeting for those proposed bylaw changes to have a second reading.
Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – No report this month.


OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – No report this month.

VII. Other Reports

1. Orchidland Neighbors – Sharon Landry - Everything is moving along. Food basket and community center check list of tasks are being gone through and completed. Were trying to get admin and paperwork done for the permits. They’re working on their feasibility reports and plugging along on the checklist. The initial phase of the Orchidland Neighbor’s Community Center is already paid for – 95% done. We did fundraising and used some of last year’s contingency funds.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Dennis McCartin – We had a good turnout at last Thursday night’s meeting and got about five or six more volunteers. We have signs for cars and books with information. Vista print will print the signs for $12 each. Since they cracked down in Volcano, the theives are coming right down to lower Puna. This month, Orchidland has had burglaries, one car theft, and one burned house by arson after previous night attempted car theft at that house. Thieves are on FB, too, so be diligent and be cautious about what you print there. They’re reading everything. More and more thieves have guns. On Government road, there was a strong arm, masked gun car jacking. Stolen cars are being used to commit other crimes. There’s was a car reported dumped on 37th and trashed. Freshly spray-painted cars are likely stolen. There’s now a neighborhood patrol. The community needs to help get 500 letters to mayor asking for more police in Puna. Our population is bigger than Hilo, but we have less law enforcement. We need more and we need the Mayor to hear our pleas.

Ariel Murphy moved to call the question to end the discussion. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin –
We continue to meet monthly They are continuing to focus on doing “table-top” exercises and figuring out how to document everything, and pin point what actions might be needed and taken in an emergency. They are learning how to quickly and efficiently get a search and rescue team out, along with other things like accessing what type of need, what to do and how to document everything so we can tell county headquarters what’s going on and what resources we need. We’re still working on planning and learning. The next training is October 8, 2017 and will run for four weekends at Keaau. We really need more volunteers because some are moving away. Civil defense is trying to double the amount of CERT teams. We are trying to help families get their own emergency plans in place as well. There are some big holes in communication like places in Ka’u – there’s not even radio out there. The 25,000 households in this community are encouraged by Civil Defense to put together their own Family Emergency Plans.

It was noted that the State management teams suggest that families should be looking at having a two week supply of food in storage, which is a hardship to some families. You also have to remember to rotate your stock as well. It goes bad.

Triage and staging area should be the community lot, but they don’t have access to it. The Orchidland Neighbors lot will hopefully be where it will go, since the community lot is inaccessible.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried. VIII. Old Business – Mark Willman was installed as a director for Orchidland. He took the Orchildland Oath of Office.
IX. New Business -

1. Annie Kamau on Ilima wanted to put boulders on the road to block traffic from going on to 34th because people come down Ainaloa, then through 34th and come out Ilima or the reverse, coming off of Highway 130, up Ilima to her road and she said Wirick said they would try to make that happen, but now he’s said it’s new so they don’t know what to do. Barbara Arthurs volunteered to check for a response.


X. Announcements:

1) Next Board of Directors Meeting will take place at the Eagles club on August 15, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 7-18-17

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 7-18-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-20-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-29-17 BOD Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.
Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to call the question to end the discussion. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried. Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17


I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present:
Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sharon Landry/Treasurer-off island, Sally Waitt/Secretary, David

Marquis/Road Chair, Marti Morishige Absent: Mark Willman-off island (excused),

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Mike Moreno, Armon Collman, Anne Kamau, Richard Kamau, Sharon McCartin

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 9-19-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 7-18-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officers’ Reports:
President Report – Barbara Arthurs – Please note for our minutes that the August 15, 2017 BOD meeting was cancelled. The President

was out of state, and the rest of the Board decided to cancel.
1) As to court case, the plaintiff and a few others will be meeting with the Special Master on Sept 29, 2017.

2) Lyons group collection policy is looking to send unpaid fees to a collection agency; but, that policy is in clear defiance of Judge Nakamura’s Judgment in the Murakami case. She then gave a history regarding how it is not valid and contradicting a previous ruling by the Judge. Apparently, the Lyon’s group has proposed to send people in arrears to a collection agent collecting 40% for themselves off the top and then only 60% would even go to OLCA. The Lyon’s board has been requesting updates of delinquency lists. The case is moving in to over two years. At least, the money is going to a legitimate account, even if it is still unknown and unaccounted for by the people who have it.

A board member enquired how the Lyon’s board could affect a person’s credit rating, since that board doesn’t have people’s social security numbers. Another Board suggested that someone should file fraud charges for mailing the billing through the federal postal system, to which a community member stated that this issue should have been brought to the Court’s attention because this is a contempt of court.

3) Board Letter to Annie Kamau – OLCA President Barbara Arthurs read the reply letter sent to Ms. Kamau in regards to her interest in closing the end of 34th street where it runs into Ainaloa Blvd. OLCA board cited the following concern with Ms. Kamau’s request: All of the community has ownership of the roads and Ainaloa is a county road so no barrier can be put up, 2) There’s a school bus stop with children’s parents who waiting on that street for it to come with their children for pick-up. 3) OLCA doesn’t know what other lot owners on her street feel, but those living close to Ainaloa might be using it. 4) Previous OLCA BOARDS have instructed owners to leave it open. 5) Crashes into a barrier would be a concern 6) closure and blocking road with worry of criminality is not enough to justify it because it’s not a closed community so gates and road closures cannot occur. Neighborhood watch was suggested to help with the criminal aspect issues.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

Ms. Kamau’s Response was that it’s a speeding area due to people using it to go between Ainaloa and the highway, this is not fair and very DANGEROUS for our kids who live there and there are more people with young kids moving in that area. It’s not fair that the majority cutting through our street live in Ainaloa and are ripping up the road along with whatever other activities.

Another member agreed that on Ilima, people are actually driving 80mph. Speed bumps were discussed, but doesn’t seem to be a viable option.

Dennis McCartin, a former Road Chair gave some history of that area of roads stating that Ilima was going to be turned into a cul-de- sac so all the traffic would go down 34th and could only go right to Pahoa or else would have had to go to Orchidland drive. That never happened, so this speeding problem has continued and is escalating as the population increases.

Ms. Kamau went on to state her feeling that boulders on the Orchidland side with signage to block on Orchidland sign, leaving space for walking traffic would work. When asked about Emergency Vehicle access, she felt that the EMS could come in off ILIMA and that the Board could notify the police and fire that the road is blocked. She gave various ideas on how to block the road to help this issue as well as alleviate the rubbish dumping and crime happening around there a lot. She stated that she would try to find some other ideas on how to deal with this problem.

The President, Barbara Arthurs stated that once the court case is settled, they could make a more definitive decision around this issue and the possibility of speed humps, if not bumps.

It was stated that more clarity is needed about 34th because the Highway project is said to have run out of money. Money coming from State and Federal funds is not enough to widen the road as they expected to do. Barbara Arthurs stated that she wrote to Representative Joy Buenaventura and noted that the grant money has to be used or lost. One of the big issues is Orchidland drive needing a signal or round about for that dangerous situation of crossing out and on to the Highway, which is particularly difficult times at certain times of the day. A discussion occurred about the Highway. It was noted that the community has to put the pressure on those in the State government to allot money to the Big Island and, specifically, to highway 130 improvements.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried

Bob Ernst – HiCOP – gave an extensive report. We are trying to get the support for this organization. There are already rules and regulations to protect us from this constant flyover barrage of tour copters, but they fly over Puna because there’s no enforcement. FAA wrote the rule but they won’t enforce it. It’s noise sensitive by definition. It’s all in the law and they still fly over everything they’re not supposed. The board will discuss supporting HICOP, as a board.

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy welcomed Marti Morishige on to the board.
There are parts of Orchidland that get flooded FEMA is coming up with new flood maps, so if you think you’re in a flood area, you

have until September 28 to pay your current flood insurance in full, then you won’t have to buy the new required coverage until next year. There’s a website to check out if you’re in a flood zone that will be getting changed and getting higher insurance: to see if your property is there. You can also type in your TMK.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry – No report this month. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt – No report this month. Road Chair Report – David Marquis – No report this month.

Bylaws Committee Report – Ariel Murphy – they met, but no progress to report. Having a second reading and approval at next general membership meeting was discussed, but it was decided that those proposals will impacted by amendments to HRS 421-J, so they’re going to hold moving forward with changes although it still needs to be discussed. In the last legislative session Joy San Buenaventura’s bill put all the subdivision communities under the jurisdiction of 421J, per the law, just like the condominiums; therefore those rules will apply to this subdivision, as well. Obligations that each property owner has are now clearly there in the definitions of that law, as well as, information and direction on proxy voting, so that may resolve some of the issues for Orchidland, too.

Another bylaws committee meeting will next need an appointed new chair because Armon Collman resigned at the end of his term. The chairman of the committee has to be a board member. The President, Barbara Arthurs, appointed Ariel Murphy to chair the bylaws committee and she accepted. The Committee will have a review of what has been done on the bylaws committee.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the bylaws committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – Mentioned later in the meeting during her Neighborhood Watch report.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – No report this month.

VII. Other Reports

  1. Orchidland Neighbors – Sharon Landry – We are advocating to receive our $3500 back from the discretionary funds that the county decided to keep and we’ve written two new grants. We’ve started interviewing architects for the building and spoke to the fire captain about emergency preparedness, as well as making sure that they have enough space on the Orchidland Neighbor’s Community Lot site. They needed to be added to collaboration. A discussion occurred about the lot two, 2-acre parcels that Orchidland Neighbors has, and where the project is regarding current status. The engineer has to pull the grading permits because there is a requirement list per the grant. They brought in architects and engineers to clarify these things. Sharon Landry explained the infrastructure grant requirements.

  2. Food Basket program: They are now serving 126 households, which is over 400 individuals with that program. They share the Food Basket on the last Wednesday of the month and they are always appreciative of volunteers.

    Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  3. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin reported that no crime in Orchildand reported last month. The Police Task force caught 27 of the 28 car thieves. A discussion about a squatter house with a lot of alleged questionable goings-on occurred. Someone stated that people say they call the cops about it, but that supposedly they are told not to keep calling. Neighborhood Watch meets at Blane’s on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  4. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin – The Orchidland team continues to meet monthly. They’re doing a tabletop exercises to practice working as a team. The next CERT training will be October 14 for four Saturdays ending November 4, 2017. The first three weekends of trainings will be in Keaau and the fourth week of training will be at the Pohakuloa Training Area for practice and recertification. The upcoming project will be to double the number of CERT teams in this county and try to get families to create family emergency plans. After the October training they plan to get a committee together for OLCA residents to finalize the emergency plan for our community. It will be discussed in General Membership meeting. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT team report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business – Installation of Marti Morishige – she took the oath of office as a member of the OLCA board of directors

IX. New Business -

David Marquis move to have the Orchidland Board support HICOP. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried. Barbara Arthurs will draft a letter to let him know that Orchildland Community Association supports their efforts to stop helicopters flying over our community. Enlist the support of the tourists to get to the tour companies. Clients need to say I don’t want to fly over houses!! I want to see a beautiful coastal view, so do visitors.

Sharon Landry moved to send a letter to DNLR about the drug house seized by them in a drugs arrest because only the legal owner can enforce and he’s still in jail. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Discussion: it was a drug bust. The property went to DLNR and they’re aiding and abiding the druggy squatters. They need to do something about this and them cooking drugs. Info was given to neighborhood watch and police are aware of the situation. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  1. Date for November General Membership Meeting –Newsletter needs to go out at least 30 days before the meeting indicating when the General Membership meeting happens. November 18, 2017. 1-4 p.m.

  2. October Newsletter Articles – Articles discussed: Special Master report, Kyle Pua’s conviction, report from CERT, neighborhood watch, food basket, Orchidland neighbors, the collections issue by rogues, gun problem: shooting and guns. It’s illegal to shoot a gun in OLCA.

X. Announcements:

1) Next Board of Directors Meeting will take place at the Eagles club on October 17, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 9-19-17

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 9-19-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 7-18-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the bylaws committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT team report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis move to have the Orchidland Board support HICOP. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sharon Landry moved to send a letter to DNLR about the drug house seized by them in a drugs arrest because only the legal owner can enforce and he’s still in jail. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.



I. Call to Order: President Dr. Barbara Arthurs called the meeting to order at 6:38. Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles Lodge.

II. Roll Call: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariel Murphy/Vice President, David Marquis/Road Chair, Sally Waitt/Secretary, Virginia Aste/Pro Tem, Sharon Landry/Treasurer Absent (for work): Martha Morishige (off island), Mark Willman (off island)

Members Present: Ralph Boyea, Virginia Aste, Dennis McCartin, Sharon McCartin, Mike Moreno, Sherri Carden

III. Moment of Reflection

IV. Approval of Agenda

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda for 6-29-17 Special BOD meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Announce Newly Elected Directors: Martha Morishige, Ariel Murphy, Mark Willlman
VI. Oath of Office – Ariel Murphy took the OLCA Oath of Office. Martha Morishige and Mark Willman will take the

Oath of Office at the next regular BOD Meeting.

VII. Announcement of Continuing and Newly Elected Directors:

  1. Continuing Directors: Barbara Arthurs, Sally Waitt, Sharon Landry, David Marquis

  2. Newly Elected Directors: Martha Morishige, Ariel Murphy, Mark Willman

VIII. Nomination for

  1. President -- Ariel Murphy nominated Barbara Arthurs as President. Sally Wait seconded the motion. No other nominations were heard. Virginia Aste moved to accept Barbara Arthurs’ as President by acclimation. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  2. Vice President – Sharon Landry nominated Ariel Murphy as Vice President. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. No other nominations were heard. Sally Waitt moved to accept Ariel Murphy as Vice President by acclimation. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  3. Secretary – Ariel Murphy nominated Sally Waitt as Secretary. David Marquis seconded the motion. Ariel Murphy moved to accept Sally Waitt as Secretary by acclimation. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. No other nominations were heard. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  4. Treasurer – Ariel Murphy nominated Sharon Landry as Treasurer. David Marquis seconded the motion. No other nominations were heard. David Marquis moved to accept Sharon Landry as treasurer by acclimation. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  5. Road Committee Chair – Ariel Murphy nominated David Marquis as Road Committee Chair. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Ariel Murphy moved to accept David Marquis as Road Committee Chair by acclimation. No other nominations were heard. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

IX. Balloting for Officers was not needed due to only having one nomination for each office. 1


X. Announcement of OLCA officers for 2017-2018: President: Barbara Arthurs, Vice President: Ariel Murphy, Secretary: Sally Waitt, Treasurer: Sharon Landry, Road Chair: David Marquis.

III. Adjournment: Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

_______________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

_______________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary



Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda for 6-29-17 Special BOD meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy nominated Barbara Arthurs as President. Sally Wait seconded the motion.

Virginia Aste moved to accept Barbara Arthurs’ nomination as President by acclimation. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sharon Landry nominated Ariel Murphy as Vice President. Sally Waitt seconded the motion.

Sally Waitt moved to accept Ariel Murphy’s nomination as Vice President by acclimation. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy nominated Sally Waitt as Secretary. David Marquis seconded the motion.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept Sally Waitt’s nomination as Secretary by acclimation. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.
Ariel Murphy nominated Sharon Landry as Treasurer. David Marquis seconded the motion.

David Marquis moved to accept Sharon Landry as treasurer by acclimation. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy nominated David Marquis as Road Committee Chair. Sally Waitt seconded the motion.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept David Marquis as Road Committee Chair by acclimation. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17


March 21, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Virginia Aste joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President (arrived at 6:38 after Agenda was approved), David Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Virginia Aste/Pro Tempore, Sally Waitt/Secretary, Sharon Landry/Treasurer, Mark Willman (On Phone Conference Call for part of meeting due to being off-island)

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Robert Arthurs, Art Smith, Mike Moreno, Virginia Aste, Ralph Boyea, Sharon McCartin

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 3-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 2-21-17 meeting minutes as revised and circulated. Virginia Aste seconded the motion Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officer’s Reports:
A. President - Dr. Barbara Arthurs

1. Dr. Arthurs thanked the Board for the email votes to support CERT efforts and the OLCA Emergency plan. 2. March Newsletter – Mahalo to all who volunteered to get them prepared and out per the deadline.

3. Responses from Representatives Ruderman, San Buenaventura, O’hara, and Ruggles were included in the newsletter. O’hara was the first to respond to OLCA’s request, but she stated that because she was not in our district area she respectfully declined the offer to give a statement. Senator Ruderman responded that he will be off island for our General Membership meeting.

4. Litigation Status – more depositions to occur at the end of this month and then a conference amongst attorneys in April. If not settled, at that conference, then it’ll go to a trial, hopefully, by Judge because Jury would be costly and more time consuming. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sharon Landry seconded Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

B. Vice President Report – Ariel Murphy - no report this month C. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt - no report this month

D. Treasurer Report – Sharon Landry – Reported that the former president, Ricky Turner, has not yet paid his bill for the tarp. It was reported he had an unexpected medical issue, but told the present president that check is in the mail. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Treasurer report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain- 1(Sharon Landry) motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

E. Road Chair (Road Committee) – There’s a sign erected that says, “slow the “F” down” where the “speed dip” is on Auli’I at that accident site – A bulldozer fell in it in ’08. It’s a collapsed lava tube and very dangerous. There was a painted sign directly on the road after the terrible accident where kids were killed after they went airborne at the dip and flipped. The President Barbara Arthurs said to ask the other group why they haven’t done some sort of engineering report to see the condition of that empty hole under that drop-off.

Armon Collman: Stated that the Board needs to address this to the Judge because the others are spending our money with no authority and there are safety issues out here that are putting people’s lives in peril, so the Judge really needs to make a decision. A huge pothole on 36th was reported.

Dennis McCartin (former road chair) noted that the previous Board had put $15,000 aside in an emergency account to take care of emergency collapses, but it is unknown if that money is still there.

A discussion ensued about the irresponsible inefficient use of the money the others have taken and how badly and dangerous the roads are becoming. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote:Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(David Marquis). Motion carried.

VII. Committee Reports:
A. Road Committee – see discussion above.

B. Bylaws committee plans to meet next Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Virginia Aste moved to accept the report from the bylaws committee. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

C. Lot Development Committee – no report this month.

D. Community Liaison Committee – please get on all the representative’s mailing lists to keep up on what bills are up and how they’re working. David Marquis moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

E. Other Reports:

1. Orchidland Neighbors – We’re almost done with our feasibility study. The last one went out in the newsletter. Please get them back to us as soon as possible. We will start interviewing contractors and trying for a couple grants to build the community center.

Food Basket: They have successfully negotiated with the Mormon Church so it can be done there. It’s a good thing. The last Wednesday of every month. Right now people from District 4 and 5 come, with the majority from Orchidland.

The Orchidland Neighbors –The annual meeting will be at the Eagles Lodge on April 4th from 6pm to 8pm. Please come!

Virginia Aste move to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry), Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin - They meet at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. The Community Police Officer has been in attendance for the last three months. Last month’s was rescheduled due to weather and we’re looking at starting a patrol team. At the Puna Watch meeting they had the Vice Team there and they reported that they are hampered because they need a confidential informant to go in and see the drugs to even get a warrant. If you suspect a drug house. Call the Hawaii Police Vice Department at the direct number: 808. 934-8423.

Ariel Murphy: Please email the info and all your announcements, so they can be put on the IMUA Orchidland FB page.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept to the Neighborhood Watch report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.



OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

CERT – Dennis McCartin - They are hoping to form a planning committee. Leilani Subdivision has a plan that is well written, so we will probably use a lot of that as a template for ours. The Civil defense hopes to double the CERT teams in the subdivisions from 25 to 50 in this area. We have between 18 to 20 on our team and some live in Ainaloa because they don’t yet have the leadership to start their own teams.

Armon Collman stated that it’s a great program to go through to learn safety measures for your family, but noted there’s next to nothing for finances and support for CERT in the community when particularly our new national leader wants to spend gobs for military, so coming from his career from the city of Portland and his experience of emergency management, he’s appalled at what little amount the County is able to give for the Community. Everyone needs to take this program.

Armon Collman moved to accept the CERT committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business:
At 7:00 p.m – Director Mark Willman was brought on to the meeting via phone conferencing.

A. Mark’s Letter to Attorney General. Two proposed letters were distributed. One from Mark Willman and also a letter from Ralph Boyea was distributed to the Board as well. A discussion occurred about the two letters and which one to use or compress together into one. The most important element is that there is a real and present danger on the roads, and proper maintenance has not occurred. Accidents and a fatality have occurred. Ariel Murphy moved to proceed with the letter as discussed. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Discussion: Additional signature page from the community will be added and sent before the General Membership meeting in order to report it to the community to let them know that although we don’t have the money we are trying to get the roads fixed. The Attorney General needs to know the info about the fatality that has occurred. Vote: Yes-7 (Mark Willman voted), No-0, Abstain-0, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel moved that the letter come from Ralph Boyea and Mark Willman on behalf of OLCA. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Mark hung up/left the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

IX. New Business:

A. Proposed Agenda for General Membership Meeting – distributed for discussion of it and if there were any revisions. Ariel Murphy will assign time designations so the meeting is over by 4:30. They need help registering people as they come in. They will assign a timekeeper and ask if Sherri Carden will do that. A Greeter of Special Guests will be Ariel Murphy.

X. Announcements:

A. General Membership meeting: April 15, 2017 from 2-4:30pm at the Eagles Lodge. Long discussion about how to qualify the members for voting at the General Membership meeting.
B. Security Camera Vendor – A gentleman will be coming to set up a table at the General Membership meeting to show some security camera setups that he has available.

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara


OLCA BOD MTG 3-21-17

Secretary Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG –3-21-17

Dave Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 3-21-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 2-21-17 meeting minutes as revised and circulated. Virginia Aste seconded the motion Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sharon Landry seconded Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Treasurer report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry) motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the road committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote:Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(David Marquis). Motion carried.

Virginia Aste moved to accept the report from the bylaws committee. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to accept the Community Liaison report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Virginia Aste move to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1(Sharon Landry), Unanimous. Motion carried.

Armon Collman moved to accept the CERT committee report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to proceed with the letter as discussed. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7 (Mark Willman voted), No-0, Abstain-0, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel moved that the letter come from Ralph Boyea and Mark Willman on behalf of OLCA. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-7, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept to the Neighborhood Watch report. Virginia Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-6, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17


May 16, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Virginia Aste joined Pro Tempore.

Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.
II. Roll call: Directors Present: Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sally Waitt/Secretary, David

Marquis/Road Chair, Armon Collman, Virginia Aste/Pro Tempore, Absent: Mark Willman, Sharon Landry/Treasurer

OLCA Members: Marti Morishige, Sherri Carden, Arthur Smith, Nancy Hammock, Mike Moreno, Ralph Boyea, Virginia Aste

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 5-16-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

David Marquis moved to approve the March 21, 2017 BOD meeting minutes as presented, Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the April 18, 2017 BOD meeting minutes. Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officer’s Reports:
President report – Barbara Arthurs

1) Orchidland Voice was to have their receivership hearing today, but it was postponed to June 16, 10:30am due Wirick having yet another new attorney who asked for yet more time to review the case.

2) Thanks to the Eagles President and Secretary, the Ballots have been counted and the results are in. There were 45 ballots actually counted of those received. Some ballots were not counted due to either having no label or having nothing circled. Marti Morishige, Ariel Murphy and Mark Willman were each elected for one year on the Board.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy - No report this month.
Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry (in absentia) – No report
Road Chair Report – David Marquis - No report, but a community member brought in a chunk of road caused by a D9 that almost tipped over and ended up ripping up her road in the process.
Bylaws Committee Report – Armon Collman – They were working on a fourth amendment to the bylaws, but want to make sure that all are in agreement within the committee before they present their recommendations to the Board. Armon Collman noted that that the bylaws speak to the rights of the corporation, but he felt that there should be a section in there about the rights of the members. Rather than trying to piece meal the changes, a complete review of bylaws to make any changes congruent with the entire document was decided would be easier to do and then the changes will be presented to the


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

membership for approval. They’re still working on the fourth amendment and will continue that, but they will likely bring out more changes that they want to see in the bylaws. They are leaning toward creating a need to have a set percentage of membership to petition to remove a director yet keep nuisance removals to a minimum, but to also make it so community can do removals albeit with a bit of effort.

Policies and procedures are also needed to enforce the provisions of the bylaws.
Sally Waitt moved to accept the bylaws committee report and Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Armon Collman

gave a public thank you to Ariel Murphy and Ralph Boyea for opening their home for the bylaws committee to have their meetings, which he stated puts an emphasis on why we really need a community center. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Lot Development Committee – Sharon Landry – in absentia – The President, Barbara Arthurs, spoke noting that the lot that has been barred to the community by the other people was acquired back in 2000 when she was President of the Board, at that time, and yet she noted how unfortunate it is that there is still no facility for Orchidland. The group controlling the lot refused to let the Lot Development Committee follow through with the plans to build on the lot, and despite the other group supposedly having plans, there is no real action moving forward for the center to be built by that group. This is why Orchidland Neighbors came together and bought another lot to move forward and build a community center on it as soon as possible.

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – She asked everyone in the community to please write our representatives to petition for more police officers for the Puna area. Please write to the mayor and the council stating that the seven Puna officers are working at 1 1⁄2 capacity, they can’t possibly handle the number of complaints they get with only seven officers. Puna needs additional police officers because of growth in the area, the huge number of calls they get and the many changes in the area especially the drug and crime escalation.

Armon Collman moved to accept the Community Liaison Committee report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

VII. Other Reports

1. Orchidland Neighbors – Virginia Aste – Regarding the upcoming food basket and its next distribution on May 31 (the last Wednesday of the month): They need a pickup or van to go Wednesday morning to Hilo and pick up the food by 9am, getting back by 11am. She said there will be plenty of help to load and unload, but they really need the vehicle with or without driver to borrow for that morning run on the day of the event.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes- 5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Virginia Aste – We have a Neighborhood Watch started and you can sign up by district to drive it when you’re comfortable. You simply watch, take down license numbers or description of suspicious cars. The presence of the Watch being out and about really helps to move crime elsewhere. We have six drivers so far who have signed up. The hard work is beginning to pay off. They have heard from the community officer that the regulation of searches of homes and properties are so restricted and the prosecutor won’t do it unless someone goes in and actually makes an illegal buy, two or three times to document proof before the police will send in an officer, which is obviously not a viable solution. They will talk to the Prosecutor, Mitch Roth, and they are going to Volcano tomorrow night to organize up there. There is a club of kids called, “The 300 Club” who are apparently car jacking – they’re in Volcano. The Neighborhood Watch will be working on how to assist the police to get better evidence. Volunteers are encouraged and welcome. Someone reported that there are apparently some kids on 39th cooking meth because they had bad meth parents. There are only 7 police people in this entire district. We need more police presence. You can write to the Police Chief and ask why they don’t do patrols in private subdivisions. The Neighborhood Watch meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at Blane’s. 6 p.m.

Ariel Murphy wanted it noted that the Neighborhood Watch Meeting announcement is also updated and posted on the IMUA Orchidland Facebook page every month.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin – in absentia – no report today

VIII. Old Business
1. The Tabled Motion regarding number of signatures required on a petition for the removal of a director – see

above in Armon Collman’s bylaws report. The committee is still working on that.

IX. New Business - none
X. Announcements: Next Board of Directors Meeting will be June 20, 2017 and if the Bylaws Committee is ready with their

proposals to the Board, there will be a Special Membership Meeting Scheduled.

XI. Adjournment:
Virginia Aste moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous Motion

carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 5-16-17

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the Agenda of 5-16-17. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the March 21, 2017 BOD meeting minutes as presented, Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis moved to approve the April 18, 2017 BOD meeting minutes. Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report and Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the bylaws committee report and Ginny Aste seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Armon Collman moved to accept the Community Liaison Committee report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.


OLCA BOD MTG 5-16-17

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Armon Collman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sally Waitt moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Virginia Aste moved to adjourn the meeting. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17


July 18, 2017
I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Quorum was established. The meeting took place

at the Eagles club.
II. Roll call: Directors Present:

Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sharon Landry/Treasurer Sally Waitt/Secretary, David Marquis/Road Chair, Mark Willman (on phone), Absent: Marti Morishige

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Viriginia Aste, Armon Collman, Mike Moreno, Sherri Carden

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 7-18-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-20-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-29-17 BOD Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officers’ Reports:

President report – Barbara Arthurs – At the June 22 court hearing, the judge ruled to have a Special Master conduct an investigation of the case against Wirick et. al., as well as, to make recommendations including the possibility of receivership. Barbara said that since the rogues are not going to willingly step down, we need to see if the Court can do something to correct the situation. Barbara said that there seem to be a lot of irregularities when looking at the money dispersed by the Wirick people. She said that those transactions that were subpoenaed, when placed on a spreadsheet, were questionable. When the Rogues were asked about those transactions during the interrogatories, their reply was simply to brush off the questions by calling them irrelevant, so they have thus far avoided answering the questions.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy reported 1) that there has been a spike in people joining IMUA ORCHIDLAND and 2) Three houses were ripped off on 37th. Caution is to lock down your homes and valuables. The Neighborhood Watch report will have some more information.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry – No money so there’s nothing to report. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt - No report this month.
Road Chair Report – David Marquis - No report this month.
Bylaws Committee Report – No report this month.

The proposed changes did have their first reading at the last General Membership Meeting, and November is the next General Membership meeting for those proposed bylaw changes to have a second reading.
Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – No report this month.


OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – No report this month.

VII. Other Reports

1. Orchidland Neighbors – Sharon Landry - Everything is moving along. Food basket and community center check list of tasks are being gone through and completed. Were trying to get admin and paperwork done for the permits. They’re working on their feasibility reports and plugging along on the checklist. The initial phase of the Orchidland Neighbor’s Community Center is already paid for – 95% done. We did fundraising and used some of last year’s contingency funds.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

2. Neighborhood Watch – Dennis McCartin – We had a good turnout at last Thursday night’s meeting and got about five or six more volunteers. We have signs for cars and books with information. Vista print will print the signs for $12 each. Since they cracked down in Volcano, the theives are coming right down to lower Puna. This month, Orchidland has had burglaries, one car theft, and one burned house by arson after previous night attempted car theft at that house. Thieves are on FB, too, so be diligent and be cautious about what you print there. They’re reading everything. More and more thieves have guns. On Government road, there was a strong arm, masked gun car jacking. Stolen cars are being used to commit other crimes. There’s was a car reported dumped on 37th and trashed. Freshly spray-painted cars are likely stolen. There’s now a neighborhood patrol. The community needs to help get 500 letters to mayor asking for more police in Puna. Our population is bigger than Hilo, but we have less law enforcement. We need more and we need the Mayor to hear our pleas.

Ariel Murphy moved to call the question to end the discussion. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin –
We continue to meet monthly They are continuing to focus on doing “table-top” exercises and figuring out how to document everything, and pin point what actions might be needed and taken in an emergency. They are learning how to quickly and efficiently get a search and rescue team out, along with other things like accessing what type of need, what to do and how to document everything so we can tell county headquarters what’s going on and what resources we need. We’re still working on planning and learning. The next training is October 8, 2017 and will run for four weekends at Keaau. We really need more volunteers because some are moving away. Civil defense is trying to double the amount of CERT teams. We are trying to help families get their own emergency plans in place as well. There are some big holes in communication like places in Ka’u – there’s not even radio out there. The 25,000 households in this community are encouraged by Civil Defense to put together their own Family Emergency Plans.

It was noted that the State management teams suggest that families should be looking at having a two week supply of food in storage, which is a hardship to some families. You also have to remember to rotate your stock as well. It goes bad.

Triage and staging area should be the community lot, but they don’t have access to it. The Orchidland Neighbors lot will hopefully be where it will go, since the community lot is inaccessible.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried. VIII. Old Business – Mark Willman was installed as a director for Orchidland. He took the Orchildland Oath of Office.
IX. New Business -

1. Annie Kamau on Ilima wanted to put boulders on the road to block traffic from going on to 34th because people come down Ainaloa, then through 34th and come out Ilima or the reverse, coming off of Highway 130, up Ilima to her road and she said Wirick said they would try to make that happen, but now he’s said it’s new so they don’t know what to do. Barbara Arthurs volunteered to check for a response.


X. Announcements:

1) Next Board of Directors Meeting will take place at the Eagles club on August 15, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


OLCA BOD MTG 7-18-17

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 7-18-17

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 7-18-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-20-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 6-29-17 BOD Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.
Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to call the question to end the discussion. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried. Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17


I. Call to Order: Barbara Arthurs, President, called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Quorum was established. The meeting took place at the Eagles club.

II. Roll call: Directors Present:
Dr. Barbara Arthurs/President, Ariela Murphy/Vice President, Sharon Landry/Treasurer-off island, Sally Waitt/Secretary, David

Marquis/Road Chair, Marti Morishige Absent: Mark Willman-off island (excused),

OLCA Members: Dennis McCartin, Mike Moreno, Armon Collman, Anne Kamau, Richard Kamau, Sharon McCartin

III. Moment of reflection to focus upon our responsibilities to our Community.

IV. Approval of Agenda:

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 9-19-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

V. Approval of Past Minutes:

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 7-18-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

VI. Officers’ Reports:
President Report – Barbara Arthurs – Please note for our minutes that the August 15, 2017 BOD meeting was cancelled. The President

was out of state, and the rest of the Board decided to cancel.
1) As to court case, the plaintiff and a few others will be meeting with the Special Master on Sept 29, 2017.

2) Lyons group collection policy is looking to send unpaid fees to a collection agency; but, that policy is in clear defiance of Judge Nakamura’s Judgment in the Murakami case. She then gave a history regarding how it is not valid and contradicting a previous ruling by the Judge. Apparently, the Lyon’s group has proposed to send people in arrears to a collection agent collecting 40% for themselves off the top and then only 60% would even go to OLCA. The Lyon’s board has been requesting updates of delinquency lists. The case is moving in to over two years. At least, the money is going to a legitimate account, even if it is still unknown and unaccounted for by the people who have it.

A board member enquired how the Lyon’s board could affect a person’s credit rating, since that board doesn’t have people’s social security numbers. Another Board suggested that someone should file fraud charges for mailing the billing through the federal postal system, to which a community member stated that this issue should have been brought to the Court’s attention because this is a contempt of court.

3) Board Letter to Annie Kamau – OLCA President Barbara Arthurs read the reply letter sent to Ms. Kamau in regards to her interest in closing the end of 34th street where it runs into Ainaloa Blvd. OLCA board cited the following concern with Ms. Kamau’s request: All of the community has ownership of the roads and Ainaloa is a county road so no barrier can be put up, 2) There’s a school bus stop with children’s parents who waiting on that street for it to come with their children for pick-up. 3) OLCA doesn’t know what other lot owners on her street feel, but those living close to Ainaloa might be using it. 4) Previous OLCA BOARDS have instructed owners to leave it open. 5) Crashes into a barrier would be a concern 6) closure and blocking road with worry of criminality is not enough to justify it because it’s not a closed community so gates and road closures cannot occur. Neighborhood watch was suggested to help with the criminal aspect issues.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

Ms. Kamau’s Response was that it’s a speeding area due to people using it to go between Ainaloa and the highway, this is not fair and very DANGEROUS for our kids who live there and there are more people with young kids moving in that area. It’s not fair that the majority cutting through our street live in Ainaloa and are ripping up the road along with whatever other activities.

Another member agreed that on Ilima, people are actually driving 80mph. Speed bumps were discussed, but doesn’t seem to be a viable option.

Dennis McCartin, a former Road Chair gave some history of that area of roads stating that Ilima was going to be turned into a cul-de- sac so all the traffic would go down 34th and could only go right to Pahoa or else would have had to go to Orchidland drive. That never happened, so this speeding problem has continued and is escalating as the population increases.

Ms. Kamau went on to state her feeling that boulders on the Orchidland side with signage to block on Orchidland sign, leaving space for walking traffic would work. When asked about Emergency Vehicle access, she felt that the EMS could come in off ILIMA and that the Board could notify the police and fire that the road is blocked. She gave various ideas on how to block the road to help this issue as well as alleviate the rubbish dumping and crime happening around there a lot. She stated that she would try to find some other ideas on how to deal with this problem.

The President, Barbara Arthurs stated that once the court case is settled, they could make a more definitive decision around this issue and the possibility of speed humps, if not bumps.

It was stated that more clarity is needed about 34th because the Highway project is said to have run out of money. Money coming from State and Federal funds is not enough to widen the road as they expected to do. Barbara Arthurs stated that she wrote to Representative Joy Buenaventura and noted that the grant money has to be used or lost. One of the big issues is Orchidland drive needing a signal or round about for that dangerous situation of crossing out and on to the Highway, which is particularly difficult times at certain times of the day. A discussion occurred about the Highway. It was noted that the community has to put the pressure on those in the State government to allot money to the Big Island and, specifically, to highway 130 improvements.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried

Bob Ernst – HiCOP – gave an extensive report. We are trying to get the support for this organization. There are already rules and regulations to protect us from this constant flyover barrage of tour copters, but they fly over Puna because there’s no enforcement. FAA wrote the rule but they won’t enforce it. It’s noise sensitive by definition. It’s all in the law and they still fly over everything they’re not supposed. The board will discuss supporting HICOP, as a board.

Vice President’s Report - Ariel Murphy welcomed Marti Morishige on to the board.
There are parts of Orchidland that get flooded FEMA is coming up with new flood maps, so if you think you’re in a flood area, you

have until September 28 to pay your current flood insurance in full, then you won’t have to buy the new required coverage until next year. There’s a website to check out if you’re in a flood zone that will be getting changed and getting higher insurance: to see if your property is there. You can also type in your TMK.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Landry – No report this month. Secretary Report – Sally Waitt – No report this month. Road Chair Report – David Marquis – No report this month.

Bylaws Committee Report – Ariel Murphy – they met, but no progress to report. Having a second reading and approval at next general membership meeting was discussed, but it was decided that those proposals will impacted by amendments to HRS 421-J, so they’re going to hold moving forward with changes although it still needs to be discussed. In the last legislative session Joy San Buenaventura’s bill put all the subdivision communities under the jurisdiction of 421J, per the law, just like the condominiums; therefore those rules will apply to this subdivision, as well. Obligations that each property owner has are now clearly there in the definitions of that law, as well as, information and direction on proxy voting, so that may resolve some of the issues for Orchidland, too.

Another bylaws committee meeting will next need an appointed new chair because Armon Collman resigned at the end of his term. The chairman of the committee has to be a board member. The President, Barbara Arthurs, appointed Ariel Murphy to chair the bylaws committee and she accepted. The Committee will have a review of what has been done on the bylaws committee.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the bylaws committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Lot Development Committee – Sharon McCartin – Mentioned later in the meeting during her Neighborhood Watch report.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

Community Liaison Committee – Virginia Aste – No report this month.

VII. Other Reports

  1. Orchidland Neighbors – Sharon Landry – We are advocating to receive our $3500 back from the discretionary funds that the county decided to keep and we’ve written two new grants. We’ve started interviewing architects for the building and spoke to the fire captain about emergency preparedness, as well as making sure that they have enough space on the Orchidland Neighbor’s Community Lot site. They needed to be added to collaboration. A discussion occurred about the lot two, 2-acre parcels that Orchidland Neighbors has, and where the project is regarding current status. The engineer has to pull the grading permits because there is a requirement list per the grant. They brought in architects and engineers to clarify these things. Sharon Landry explained the infrastructure grant requirements.

  2. Food Basket program: They are now serving 126 households, which is over 400 individuals with that program. They share the Food Basket on the last Wednesday of the month and they are always appreciative of volunteers.

    Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  3. Neighborhood Watch – Sharon McCartin reported that no crime in Orchildand reported last month. The Police Task force caught 27 of the 28 car thieves. A discussion about a squatter house with a lot of alleged questionable goings-on occurred. Someone stated that people say they call the cops about it, but that supposedly they are told not to keep calling. Neighborhood Watch meets at Blane’s on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  4. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Orchidland Community Emergency Plan - Dennis McCartin – The Orchidland team continues to meet monthly. They’re doing a tabletop exercises to practice working as a team. The next CERT training will be October 14 for four Saturdays ending November 4, 2017. The first three weekends of trainings will be in Keaau and the fourth week of training will be at the Pohakuloa Training Area for practice and recertification. The upcoming project will be to double the number of CERT teams in this county and try to get families to create family emergency plans. After the October training they plan to get a committee together for OLCA residents to finalize the emergency plan for our community. It will be discussed in General Membership meeting. Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT team report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

VIII. Old Business – Installation of Marti Morishige – she took the oath of office as a member of the OLCA board of directors

IX. New Business -

David Marquis move to have the Orchidland Board support HICOP. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried. Barbara Arthurs will draft a letter to let him know that Orchildland Community Association supports their efforts to stop helicopters flying over our community. Enlist the support of the tourists to get to the tour companies. Clients need to say I don’t want to fly over houses!! I want to see a beautiful coastal view, so do visitors.

Sharon Landry moved to send a letter to DNLR about the drug house seized by them in a drugs arrest because only the legal owner can enforce and he’s still in jail. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Discussion: it was a drug bust. The property went to DLNR and they’re aiding and abiding the druggy squatters. They need to do something about this and them cooking drugs. Info was given to neighborhood watch and police are aware of the situation. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

  1. Date for November General Membership Meeting –Newsletter needs to go out at least 30 days before the meeting indicating when the General Membership meeting happens. November 18, 2017. 1-4 p.m.

  2. October Newsletter Articles – Articles discussed: Special Master report, Kyle Pua’s conviction, report from CERT, neighborhood watch, food basket, Orchidland neighbors, the collections issue by rogues, gun problem: shooting and guns. It’s illegal to shoot a gun in OLCA.

X. Announcements:

1) Next Board of Directors Meeting will take place at the Eagles club on October 17, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.


OLCA BOD MTG 9-19-17

XI. Adjournment:
Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Submitted by:

_____________________________ Sally Waitt

Submitted by:

______________________________ Susan Bambara
Recording Secretary

BOD Meeting MOTIONS LOG 9-19-17

David Marquis moved to approve the Agenda of 9-19-17. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to approve the 7-18-17 BOD Meeting Minutes as corrected. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried

Sharon Landry moved to accept the Vice President’s report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sharon Landry moved to accept the bylaws committee report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Orchidland Neighbors report. David Marquis seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the Neighborhood Watch report. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to accept the CERT team report. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

David Marquis move to have the Orchidland Board support HICOP. Sharon Landry seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5, Unanimous. Motion carried.

Sharon Landry moved to send a letter to DNLR about the drug house seized by them in a drugs arrest because only the legal owner can enforce and he’s still in jail. Ariel Murphy seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

Ariel Murphy moved to adjourn the meeting. Sally Waitt seconded the motion. Vote: Yes-5. Unanimous. Motion carried.

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