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  • Regular Monthly Meetings beginning at 6:30 p.m.

  • Third Tuesday – Board of Directors Eagles Club

  • Second Tuesday – Road Maintenance Committee


Fiscal records are prepared by Fiscal Records Keeper, Treasurer, and President for full audit by CPA.

1st Fiscal year begins.


BOD begins preparing interim newsletter for mail out with mid-year billing.
Newsletter should include the following:


  • President’s report

  • Treasurer’s report to date

  • Road Committee report

  • Article on collection agency, lein policy, and foreclosure policy

1stDelinquent lot owners’ membership suspended (not eligible to vote).


At least 10 days before mailing, Treasurer requests Financial Record Keeper to prepare mid-year billing. [Mid year billing includes (1)
reminder for non-payment and (2) billing for incremental paving if approved annually.]

Interim newsletter is ready for mail out within the first 10 days of October. [Allow at least one week for duplication.]


Within first 10 days of the month the mid-year billing and interim newsletter are mailed out.


15th Deadline for filing federal tax-exempt return with CPA assistance



Federal tax form 1099 sent by Financial Record Keeper to appropriate contractors.

Lien reviews done by Financial Record Keeper and Treasurer. Lien documents are prepared by Financial Record Keeper and sent to the Bureau of
Conveyance by the Treasurer.

President appoints Nomination Committee to prepare BOD slate of Candidates.


BOD begins preparing annual newsletter which should contain the following:


  • Announcement for annual general membership meeting 

  • Information and ballot for BOD candidates (mail to League of Women Voters; deadline – May 15) 

  • Treasurer’s financial report to date 

  • Proposed Budget for next fiscal year 

  • Road Committee’s report 

  • Emergency Phone Tree Form (mail to OLCA) 

  • Form for lot owner to request written notice of special general membership meetings (mail to OLCA) 

  • Volunteer Form (mail to OLCA)

Under the Treasurer’s leadership the BOD prepares proposed budget for 2006-2007


Annual newsletter mailed out at least 30 days before the annual general membership meeting to be held in April.


Annual membership meeting. Agenda should include the following: 


  • President’s report of corporation activities 

  • Treasurer’s report to date 

  • General membership discussion of the proposed budget for the next fiscal year 

  • Introduction of slate of candidates for the BOD 

  • Solicitation of volunteers for specific projects

Treasurer files state domestic nonprofit corporation form with DCCA.


At least 10 days before mailing, Treasurer requests Financial Record Keeper to prepare annual billing.

BOD prepares newsletter for mail out with annual billing to be sent within the first 10 days of June. Newsletter should include the following: 


  • 2006-2007 Budget 

  • Ballot for incremental paving (mail to League of Women Voters) 

  • Road Committee report 

  • Announcement of newly elected BOD members and newly constituted BOD and officers 

  • Article on paying road assessment, installment payment plan if needed, the lien policy, the collection agency, and the foreclosure policy 

  • Article requesting donations for the Community Lot development 

  • List of lots (and lot owners) which have liens placed (date) and not yet released

Immediately after the BOD May meeting, the BOD for the next fiscal year meets to elect its officers.

15th Deadline for BOD election ballots


Annual billing and newsletter mailed out within the first 10 days of June.

On or before June 30 the BOD will conduct an annual inventory and file it with the Treasurer.

30th Fiscal year ends


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